Epilouge: The end

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing
I was at the Blue Kitten. It was a hotel in Idris that Max and Selena opened. Max has proposed to Selena here and they decided to build a hotel. It included a pool a bar and a mini mall. They were both so happy together. I saw Rapha at the bar drinking with his friends. Rapha is pansexual. And the day he came out to me was the day I wanted to ask him to be my boyfriend. But the shock stopped me. I mean, come on! He can have literally anyone! Of any gender...why would he want me? I was just exhausted of having to follow him everywhere. I'm the dull one in his group. The straight plain girl. I sigh as I I look towards the pool. I never felt so dull in my life. Rapha walks up to me.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Rapha asks.
"Oh, nothing, just...here.." I say.
"Ok, Joe, you've been acting really weird since I came out. Is there something wrong? Do you not accept me?! Or what? If you don't accept me for who I am then just leave!" He yells.
"Oh will you just shut the hell up!" I yell back.
"You think everything is about YOU! If you would have just let me talk for one minute you would know how I really feel about you! I'm in love with you Raphael! Im so sickeningly in love that I want to puke my guts out!" I yell at him.
"You love me?" He asks. I stare at him in shock as to how he knows that information. Until I realize that I literally just told him I did.
"Yes," I say shortly. Rapha pulls me closer to him. He had grown a lot. He was a whole neck and head taller than me.
"You know...you're really cute when you get angry," He whispers. "I love you Jocelyn..." and then...he kisses me.

I sigh as I pick up the change on the table. After the mind control, Sam and Alec left. They transferred to another institute. They visited their parents every so often. But I never got to see Alec again. I grew up without him. I never had a boyfriend after him. I opened a cafe for downworlders, shadowhunters and Mundanes. It's been getting famous and the money is really flowing. The bell on the door rings.
"Sorry, we're closed," I say as I sweep the floor.
"Madzie?" I look up and see Alec. He was taller. Broader.
"Alec...." I mumble.
"Madzie....I didn't know you owned this place," Alec says.
"Of course....you never talked to me...how could you know?" I ask.
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have broken up with you like that....Madzie...I broke it off because I didn't want you to loose your family," Alec explains. "I love you too much to do that to you," He says.
"Love?" I ask. He stares at me for a second.
"Yeah..." He says with slight hesitation. "Yeah, I do,"
"Well, if you're telling the truth, I hope you prove it" i mumble.

Gabe and I got married a few years ago. We had a baby girl last year. Her name is Taylor. When the heart eyed demons attacked Alicante they tore down the only orphanage. The Clave didn't do anything to rebuild it, so the streets started to fill with homeless children. So, Gabe and I took the Herondale manor, made it about thirty times bigger and made it into an orphanage. The Herondale orphanage. We're both happy here. Taking care of our little girl and all the other kids. Mom gave birth to my little sister Lucy ten years ago. She visits every so often. She's a little fire ball. My dad absolutely loves her. It makes sense. She's the only one that grew up with him. I'm perfectly happy with my family. And even though my parents got a 'divorce' everything turned out perfect in the end.

And that's it! It's officially over!

Something I couldn't find a way to mention in the book is that Sam came back to New York with Paige as her girlfriend, so that's something I couldn't find a place to mention.

This book is probably the most important book I have ever written.

My parents got a divorce when I was six and this was always my dream. That some day they would eventually get back together. I remember I would always think and hope for it. That obviously never happened tho.

So...yeah...now I'm crying lol.

I absolutely loved writing this book, and I hope you enjoyed reading it❤️

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