chapter 4?

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y'all i'm so into writing this idfk why skksks.

it's been a week since Niall said he 'loved me'. it's all i can think about. i'm so awkward around him it's so fucking noticeable, he's even asked me what's wrong.

mega faggot (niall);
call me whore
aight bitch gimme a sec

f u c k my heart was pounding but i finally called him. in less than 3 seconds he answers and decides to ear rape me as soon as the call goes through.
"you're such a dumbass i swear to our lord and savior KSI." i said in a sarcastic voice.
"but i'm a cute dumbass right?" i could literally hear his wink through my laptop.
"oh i see" Niall said, omfg he always puts me in these situations.
"YALL FUCKING YET?" (y/f) screamed down the hallway barging into my room.
"gtfo of my room you dumb cunt. i'll make you noodles if you do." i bribed her ass.
"PYROCACTUS PYROCACTUS PYROCACTUS!" i heard her screaming down the hallway.
"so.. are you busy next week?" Niall asked.
"hm? no? i don't think so?" i said immediately blushing of the thought of him coming here.
"good because i want to talk to you everyday all day next week."
"oh,, okay then dummy" i was disappointed, me thinking that he was gonna come see me. hMmMmm hE pRoBAbLY woNt.

- a week passed -

"(y/n) get up,,, we're gonna clean this bitch spotless today. i'm sick of all the trash and dust around here. my allergies are gonna kick in soon." (y/f) said shaking me awake. she's always had bad allergies so i understood where she was coming from.
we cleaned the whole house up after about 3 hours and immediately collapsed on the couch.
"damn we cleaned this shit good." i said looking around the living room.
"hell yeah my nibba." she said laughing.
"hey,, (y/n) can you go to the store and buy me some food, i'm having bad cramps and i really want sweets. plus we needa stock up on food." she said looking at me deadass in the eye.
"of course! anything for my little bitch♥️" we both started laughing and i headed out.

- at the store bitch -

i walked into the store, bought all junk food (i wanted to binge eat with [y/f] tonight), walked home and opened the door.

what. the. fuck.

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