filler chapter

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here's a filler since i'm trying hard to make the next chapter not sound painfully cringey im sorry.

this will be a really long chapter just for you all 🤠♥️

also in my history class, i had to write something about the Nile river and i kept writing niall instead of Nile omfg.

it's almost summer! niall and i decided to go to the mall and spend money on some summer.
we hop out of the car and walk into the mall.
"smells like ass." i say grabbing nialls hand, locking our fingers (LMFAO "locking" AUTOCORRECTED TO LICKING.)
"smells like you babe." niall said gently squeezing my hand and winking at me.
"fuck off m8."
"lol k."

after 10 minutes of looking for stores to go into, we get noticed by a few fans of ours.
"oh my god can i please get a picture?!" a really skinny beautiful girl, looked about 16 asked us.
being the awkward ass i am i blurted out came to mind.
"oh my god you're so pretty." i smiled at her and realizing what i said.
"i-i mean yeah. you can get a picture." i awkward smiled at her.
"thank you so much." she giggled and tucked her hair behind her ear with two fingers.
"awkward cunt." niall whispered in my ear before grabbing the girls phone. since he was the tallest, he'd be taking the picture.
after we take about 10 pictures, the girl thanks us and starts to walk away.
"hey! do you have twitter? i'd love to be friends." i asked her, grabbing her wrist before she left.
"y-yeah, it's @/addisontherat." she looked so surprised, "do you really want to be friends?"
"of course, i'll text you later. bye then!" i said smiling, grabbing nialls hand again.
"you're too damn nice." niall said giggling at me.
"shut up m8, you bully kids you don't know what being nice is."
"do you wanna enter my free gift card giv-"
"fuck off cunt." i say laughing at his imitation of some cancerous youtuber.

i dragged niall into hot topic to buy something, ya girl loves her some anime shit.
"fuckin weeb. hurry the fuck up." he said rolling his eyes and smiling.
"they have No-Fac-" i say smirking at him but being cut off.
"i'll gladly walk into this store and buy every No-Face shirt here." he said walking in hot topic like some gay fuck.

- time skip bc this is getting fucking boring -

five hundred dollars later, we make it home and i plop onto the couch.
"fuckin tired man." i say shooshing and leaning my head back on the couch.
niall was inches away from my face looking down at me. i poked his lips with a little kiss and he smiled at me.
"that's pretty gay."
"you're gay."
"lol k."

i was in the kitchen, fixing my fat ass some food cuz this bitch is hungry as fuck.
"hey fat, you want some food?" i yelled halfway across the house.
"yeah fat, thanks." he yelled back. i smiled and continued making food.
"come get your food fucker~." i slurred the last part trying to get him to come in here faster. i was planning to scare the fuck out of him.
i seen niall walking around the corner, i tried pouncing out but instead i slipped in my socks. fuck. i slammed my head on the door knob in front of me, which was equivalent to getting headshot in b03.
"MOTHER TRUCKER DUDE, THAT HURT LIKE A BUTT CHEEK ON A STICK." i yelled, trying to ignore the immense pain i was in.
"well, i was gonna help you. but you referred to a dead vine. goodbye." niall turned around and started walking away.
"NO YOU COME BACK! HELP YOUR FALLEN COMRADE." i say in a russian voice.
"hello comrade? yeaas? you dead my friend?" niall said in his russian accent.
i started laughing and completely forgot out the pain i was in.
niall put out his hand to pull me up, but i grabbed his hand and pulled him down to floor.
he fell ontop of me, bumping our heads.
"yoU TRYING TO DIE CUNT?" he said slapping his hand onto his head.
"fuCK YOU FIGURED IT OUT." i say scramming to get up.
i started running around the house again with niall chasing after me.
"stOP CUNT!" niall said out of breath, putting his hands on his knees and taking a big deep breath.
"fuckin hell." he says shooing and pulling himself back up.
"well see ya, i'm gonna go lock myself in your room and record a video for your channel." i say running upstairs.
"bITCH COME BACK!" niall says almost falling while chasing me down.
i started laughing and slammed his door as soon as i got in, i locked it and laid down in his chair. soon enough, i got the camera ready and started recording.
"wASSUP PUSSYHOLE." i say spinning around in his chair.
"LET ME IN CUNT!" niall yells on the other side of the door.
i started laughing and looked at the camera, "nialls not going to be joining in this video. so let's get down to business." i stared into the camera lenses and pulled myself together, laughing at what i was about to say, "do you wanna join my free giftcard giveway? like and subscribe and you'll have a chance at winning an iPhone 89+."
i bursted out in laughter, i hear niall laughing on the other side of the too. into a few minutes of recording, i hear his footsteps leave the door. i was wondering what he was doing but i simply ignored it.
"for this video i'm going to be reading some comments from you cunts on nialls twitter." i looked down at my phone, "ah, the first comment. 'has niall hit it yet?' well to answer your question, he's only hit my head. and now i have a concussion and want to di-" i cut off the last bit while editing.

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