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(y/f) and i were watching movies, chilling, shit posting on twitter and eating all the god damn food in the house. a few minutes into our second movie, there's a knock on the door.
i walk over to the door while (y/f) hides in her room because she wasn't about to go open the god damn door. when i get over to it, bitch i was ready to fight if it was a burglar. i finally opened it to see my old friend, we've been friends ever since preschool.
   "Alex!! oh my god i can't believe you're here!!" i say pulling him into a hug. "i haven't see you in so long, how've you been?"
   "i've been fine, i just wanted to come see my best friend before her birthday." he said with a smile,, also bitch the fuck he mean bestfriend.
(y/f) didn't like Alex very in the slightest, she's hated him ever since i introduced her to alex. she walkd out of her room and rolled her eyes, then walked to the kitchen to get a drink.
i invited alex in and we catch up on what we've done for a past few years, we haven't seen eachother for around 5 years now. he asked me about my relationship life and i told him about niall, i seen his face go paler than he was. i was concerned but didn't ask about it.
alex, (y/f) and i started to watch our movie, alex laid his head on my shoulder and his hand was touching my leg. i tried scooting over a bit but when i did he moved too, it was a bit uncomfortable and confusing but i just ignored it.
after our movie, i take alex to my room and we chatted for a while, (y/f) went out to buy some groceries for us because we ate all the food. during our chat, i get a video call from niall. i answered it and said, "hey niall, one of my old friends is over right now. whenever he leaves, i'll call you. i love you." i smiled at the screen and waited for a response.
   "oh okay then, love you faggot." niall said with a weak smile and ended the vc. i know he must've been upset since i haven't talked to him all day, but it'd be rude to call him while a friend is over.

                 Niall's short ass POV
what? i thought to myself. another guy over at (y/n)'s house? i put my hands on my head, sitting on the side of my bed. i absolutely don't like this idea, what if he tries to make a move on (y/n)? ill beat his fucking ass if he even only lays a hand on her. i threw my head backwards on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. i could feel the hot tear swelling up in my eyes.

me and alex chatted for a few more minutes and decided we should play some games. we set up everything and started to play.
   "fUCK OFF CUNT" i yell over the table, forgetting he's hella good at video games.
we laughed and made jokes forever and it was starting to get late. (y/f) came back with our groceries and immediately went to her room.
alex grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me over to the couch.
   "h-hey (y/n), your birthday isn't the only reason i wanted to come over. i've always wanted to tell you something, so will you please listen?" he said staring at the ground.
i sat there very confused by what he had to tell me, but i agreed to listen.
   "sure, go ahead. i'll listen." i said smiling up at him still confused.
   "o-okay. s-so first off, i just wanna say that i love you as my bestfriend. but that's what it started as, now i love you more than just a bestfriend. l-listen i could treat you better than niall ever could, i could make you the happiest girl in the world. i-if you just gave me a chance, i promise. s-so will you please leave niall for me? or even just cheat on him to be with me? i've always loved you." he said smiling.
i was looking him dead in his brown eyes, the thought of leaving niall for a bastard like him angered me. i was so full of rage, 'cheat on him to be with me' yeah fucking right buddy.
   "get the fuck out of my house. now." i said slightly intimidating him.
   "l-look (y/n) don't be like that." he squeezed both my wrist to pin them to the seating of the couch. then he leaned forward to try and kiss me.
i slammed my forehead into his and pinned him down, punching him repetitively.
   "try that one more fucking time and i'll fucking kill you, you got that? now pick your little cuntbag ass up and get the fuck out of my house." i could see tears fill his eyes as he got up and walked to the door.
   "what a fucking hardass, i bet you're a slut anyways." he said about to shut the door behind him.
i ran toward the door and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, punching him one more time. "hardass is the best name you could ever give me." i say scaring the ever loving shit out of him. i pushed him out of the doorway and slammed the door behind me.
(y/f) watched all of it go down from her bedroom door. she finally ran out and gave me a hug.
   "BITCHHHHHHH WHAT WAS THATTTTTT?? IVE NEVER SEEN YOU ACT LIKE THAT YASSS QUEEN." she said, i smiled back still pissed as fuck.
   "haha, you learn a bit when your dad's taught you a bit." i say smirking, then i ran to my room to call niall and tell him what the fuck just happened.
i explained everything to niall. his first words back to me were, "i'm gonna kill that cunt." i could see the anger in his eyes and i tried to calm him down a bit.
   "haha i've already threatened him with that one." i say smirking at him, then my twitter went off.

@stinkycactus look what she did to me lmao. just over me not wanting to kiss her.

[insert alex's busted up face.]

(he had a broken nose, two black eyes, bruises and a cut on his forehead.)

   "DAMN (y/n) HOW THE FUCK DID YOU BEAT HIM UP THAT BADLY?" niall said laughing his ass off.
   "this is bad. look at the fuck caption. he tried kissing me, the fuck is he on about."
me and niall stood in shock as our twitters blew up.


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