chapter fifteen

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me and niall were laying on his bed watching a movie. we were cuddled up next to each other and i slowly fell asleep.
   "hey (y/n), wake up." niall said shaking me awake.
   "yeah? what is it?" i say rubbing my eyes.
   "it's 5:30 PM, if you sleep now you won't be able to sleep tonight." he niall looking down at me with concern in his eyes.
   "i'll be fine, i'll sleep tonight." i said smiling up at him.
unfortunately, we both fell asleep and were hyper as hell when night was rolling around.
   "hey let's film a video, that'll tire us out." he said tugging gently on my shirt to sit down in his recording chair with him.
i sat on his lap and we started the video, for this one we were gonna answer questions. most of the comments on twitter were demands which were pretty funny.
   "braid (y/n)'s hair." niall said looking down at his phone. "well easy enough."
5 minutes into attempting to braid my hair, niall gave up with a defeated look on his face. i started laughing and he playfully hugged me in embarrassment.
   "suck niall's dick." i said laughing all the way through reading. "well easy enough." i said mocking niall.
   "shush." niall said putting his finger on my lips. i gave a sarcastic smile back and he laughed.
   "wrestle each other." niall said looking surprised. niall raised his hands up as if he was in front of policeman. "now i don't wanna end up like bitch boy alex did." he said winking at me.
   "awww comonnn you pussy." i said punching him gently in the arm.
   "alright." he said putting his hands on my sides. he started to tickle me and i immediately tried getting away.
we rolled around on the floor wrestling for about 10 minutes and i finally gave in.
   "okay okay you win, mr. pyrocynical." i said while he was looking at his finger. "oh my god. i made your finger bleed, i'm so sorry." i grabbed his finger to inspect it more. i gave him a hug as soon as i seen it, he hugged me back then reassured me it was fine and it didn't hurt.
we finished up recording and i was still laying on his lap in his chair. i grabbed his hand and rolled it around because i was bored.
well, we turned hand holding into thumb wrestling, then thumb wrestling into full body wrestling, and then full body wrestling into kissing. we fell back from his chair while wrestling so we were laying on the floor.
i was laying underneath him as he was kissing me, he tickled my sides again as he was kissing from my jaw to my neck. i laughed, squirming a bit.
   "your laugh is so cute." he said with his lips on my neck.
   "you pigeon laugh is cute too." i kissed the top of his head. niall smirked at me and i was confused as hell.
he got up, picking me up bridal style and laid me on his bed kissing me on the way. when he laid me onto his bed, i grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. he fell on my chest and looked up at me.
   "nice tits." he said smirking up at me.
   "thanks babe." i made a kissy noise and let him climb into bed.
   "well shit, i'm still hyper." i said staring up at the ceiling.
   "me too." niall rolled over onto his side facing me. i rolled onto my side as well.
i was pulled into a hug by niall and i hugged him back. i looked up at him and gave him a soft smile and he came closer to me to kiss. i kissed him first and he kissed me back, we laid there kissing for 5 minutes straight. i shifted myself to sit up on his lap not breaking the kiss. i had my hands on his chest and he had his arms on my sides.
   "you're so cute." i said fumbling with his messed up hair.
   "kinky." he said smirking up at me.
   "shut up." i said while letting out a small chuckle.
i fell asleep on top of niall and he slowly fell asleep too.

next morning

when i woke up, i had my head buried into niall's neck. one of his were wrapped around my lower back, an inch or two above my ass and his other was stroking my hair.
   "mmmm good morning." i say to him, i didn't move because it felt nice where i was.
   "good morning faggot." he said in return. those were some nice words to hear when you first wake up.
he stopped stroking my hair and i looked up at him and grabbed his arm.
   "don't stop, it feels nice." i said putting my head back down onto his soft ass neck. i felt nialls face heat up and i just smiled. for one cocky son of a bitch, i guess he has his soft spots too when it comes to words.
when we got out of bed, i only had my underwear on since it was more comfortable like that.
   "nice ass cunt." he slapped my ass and i turned around and punched him in the arm, he went back a few steps and started laughing his ass off.
   "thanks babe." i winked at him and left the room.

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