chapter im gay

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it's one in the morning sorry about the shitty chapter. my head is killing me ohmygod.

i wake up to me falling off the bed.
   "for fucks sake.." i say mumbling under my breath.
i got up and realized i had nothing on, it took me a minute to process everything.
"W-waIT WHAT THEFUCK I FORGOT I FCUKED NIALL LAST NIght!" i yelled in my head.
i stood there on the other side of the bed and watched niall sleeping, he was halfway under the covers and didn't have any clothes on either.
i simply smiled, wrapped a robe around me then headed downstairs to make some yummy ass breakfast. (actually it was 1 PM so fuck you.)
after making my food i hear a loud ass groan coming from upstairs.
   "FINALLY UP, FUCKFACE?" i yelled.
   "YOU'RE WELCOME MY GUY!" i walked upstairs with my food.
i walked in nialls room to see him changing, i simply ignored it and sat down in his recording chair to edit one of my videos.
i pulled of After Effects and got my video file out, when niall wrapped his arms around me. it scared me to fucking death.
   "jesus christ i almost had a heart attack." i tell him grabbing his arm quickly.
   "fortnite gAy." he said in a retarded voice.
   "lol k."

after a few hours of editing, i plopped down in nialls bed and rolled myself into the covers.
   "mmmmm i'm so tiredddd." i say rolling around like a dumbfuck.
   "mmmmmm me too." niall says jumping onto me, who's wrapped in a blanket.
   "get the fuck off me, mate. i'll kill you in black ops 4 battle royale."
(a/u; bo3 campaign is absolutely shit. don't @ me.)
   "oh ho oh- let me get off you then mate. that's my worst nightmare." he says getting off of me with his hands up.
   "post on twitter stickfuck." i say grabbing my phone from the stand.
   "of what?" niall says pointing his phone toward me.
   "i don't fucking know? something about Ali-A's chicken legs?" i just realized he was recording me.
   "yOU fU-" and the video cut off there.
he posted it to twitter with a caption saying "lol". he's such a dumbass.

   "hey (y/n)! come in here pleaseeee~" i already knew niall was plotting some shit.
   "no u gay and fat 2 bitch."
   "no i thicc boi." he yelled back at me.
   "no fat boi eat a salad."
   "no lol k."
i walked into his room to see what he was doing, he had an elmo doll and shot it with a nerf gun but missed.
   "MISSON FAILED! WE'LL GET EM NEXT TIME!" he said laughing and looked at me.
i walked out of the room very very disappointed.

- time skip - to the next day in the afternoon

"hey (y/n)!" niall yelled from upstairs.
"yeah?" i yelled back, i was gonna be a smartass with my reply but i was very tired.
"do you wanna go do something today? We've stayed in the house for a few days!" he came down the stair and walked over to me.
"like what? dinner?"
"well yeah but like maybe we can go to a park and walk around, stuff like that."
"sounds fun. i'll go get ready." i got my fatass up and went upstairs to get ready.

short chapter i'm sorry.

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