chapter fourteen

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ahhhh, one more day til my birthday! i was so excited even though it would probably be just another day, but i'd be turning 20!

me and (y/f) get up out of bed and decided to make food. we mixed ramen, tuna, miracle whip, and eggs into a bowl (a/n; try it omfg it's sO GOOD) and we made our breakfast. (y/f) looks like something is bothering her.
   "what's wrong? you look like you just seen scarce kill himself." i asked her.
   "come with me." she says putting on a weak smile. oh no. what is it.
she sits me on a couch and fumbles through her pockets and pulls out two pieces of paper and gives them to me.
   "it's tickets! forrrr what exactly?" i asked excitedly not even knowing where i'm about to go.
   "just look! it's to go see niall dumb fuck!" she has the widest smile on her face.
i drop the tickets and start crying.
   "OH MY GOD (Y/F) THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!" i jumped on her, squeezing her tightly.
   "hehehe you're welcome." she said hugging me back. we departed after 2 minutes of straight hugging and i was wondering something.
   "why are there two tickets?" i looked her in the eyes, her eyes were full of tears of excitement.
   "iM GOING WITH YOU!!" she says laughing.
   "omGGGGGGGGGGG B YES!" this is probably the best day of my life.
   "don't worry tho, i'll be staying in an apartment close to niall's house." she reassured me. i'm glad she knows when i need privacy, god.. she's such a great friend. (a/n; if your friend is boy, just say "he" in your mind :) thank you.)

i went to go get my stuff packed, i immediately ran into my room and called niall.
   "did she tell you?" niall said smirking as soon as he answered the call.
   "I CANT BELIEVE IT OMFG IM SO HAPPY I CANT WAIITTTTT." i said jumping up and down on my bed.
niall started laughing and i went to go get everything packed. i probably annoyed niall with all the questions i asked him about what clothes to bring, how many, what it feels like to be on a plane, what to expect, and all kinds of other shit.
i had 4 fucking bags full of stuff that i wanted to bring with me, of course 2 of those bags had all of my equipment in it because bitch gotta be prepared.
it's about 5:30 PM and we have to leave at 5:30 AM to get to the airport, so me and (y/f) got some sleep after packing all of our stuff, also may i add that (y/f) brought a whole backpack filled with fucking snacks? fucking me.

it's the next morning, early as hell since me and (y/f) usually get up at like 3:00 PM. we got ready and packed our stuff down to our uber, we were close to the airport when the uber driver recognizes me and wants to take a photo. i smiled and told him yes after we done all of that, we got out of the car and walked inside the airport. about 30 minutes passed and our flight was called to board. me and (y/f) get on the plane and sit in our correct seats.
(a/n; i haven't been on a plane bc i'm scared of heights so i have no clue what airports and stuff are like sorry💀💀)

@pyrocynical omw babe🤩🤩

@stinkycactus i'll report you for sexual harassment.

@pyrocynical i'll kick your ass in about 8 hours.

@pyrocynical @stinkycactus y'all already going to see eachother again?

@NFKRZ no i'm coming to see you 😘😘😘

@NFKRZ @stinkycactus top 10 anime betrayals 😔👊🏼

i let out a little laugh looking down at my phone screen, while (y/f) was anxiously looking out the planes window. as we're about to part of the ground, me and (y/f) grab each other's arms and have that
"b i t c h w h a t." look on our faces. we hear bobbling and rumbling from the plane that soon dispersed into a smooth ride through the air.

      - time skip to after the plane ride -

we get off the plane, me and (y/f) try to find niall. (y/f) has her phone out ready to take a video of me and niall. i spotted his tall ass out of a mini crowd of people.
as soon as we locked eyes, we both started to run toward each other, i let out a little scream before i came in contact with him. i jumped up on niall wrapping my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist. he has his arms locked together on my lower back and i gave him a kiss, then he let me down.
   "IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH." i said to niall, still hugging him.
   "happy birthday." he pulled my chin gently up and gave me a kiss on the lips. i smiled at him and (y/f) started to screech.
   "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH." she showed us the video and i asked her to send it to me. as soon as she did, i posted it to twitter;

finally with fuckface again ♥️

{insert thy video}

@stinkycactus happy birthday faggot.

me and niall were walking back to his house, on the way i was looking at all the birthday edits i could find of me on instagram. damn people are talented.

we finally reach his house and he opens the car door for me. he grabs my hand and we walk in.
   "damn your house is pretty big." i say smiling, i was impressed.
   "like this dic-"
   "shut up."

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