chapter 6

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     "(y/n)!!!! get uppppp" i heard niall scream from his room.
     "i'm too lazzzyyyy," i said half sleep "i don't wanna get upppp."
i heard footsteps getting closer to my room and the door opened. it was niall with his hair all messed up and his eyes half way closed.
i started laughing and niall got closer to me and picked me up out of my bed, i could feel the blushing on my face already.
     "the fuck are you doing cunt?" i said trying to calm my heart down.
     "someone's gotta get your lazy ass out of bed." he said smirking at me.
he carried me all the way to the kitchen and finally sat me down.
(y/f) told me she was going to her boyfriends for 2 weeks so it was just me and niall at the house.
     "i'll make us food. what do you want faggot?" i said looking behind my shoulder.
     "whatever you eat i'll eat cunt." he said rubbing his eyes trying to wake up.
        - time skip - about two hours

     "do you wanna make a video together?" i said laughing because i wanted to do a makeup video with him.
he agreed so we set everything up in my room and began the video.
    "wassup bitches it-"
    "PHUSSY" niall shouted cutting me off.
we both started laughing and it took like 20 trys to get the intro right because of him.
while i was putting makeup on him, i backed up to see my progress.
     "aww you look like a cute lesbian" i started chuckling a bit.
     "awww thanks (y/n)" he said in a sarcastic voice. he pulled me in for a hug as a joke and i started blushing hella hard.
i was about to put lipstick on him and he said, "bitch don't you dare."
      "or what cunt? gonna wrestle me?" i said challenging him.
he pushed me back on my bed and we started wrestling eachother, me trying to put lipstick on him, it just got everywhere but his lips but it was pretty funny for the video.
     "damn you're strong."
niall just looked at me and laughed and said, "my turnnn." it was finally time for him to put makeup on me.

             - time skip after the video-

i finished editing it and tweeted out;

makeup video w/ niall tmr @pyrocynical

@stinkycactus i look like an actual lesbian

@pyrocynical nah fam, you look like a cute lesbian 😘😘😘😘

@pyrocynical @stinkycactus
shipshipshipship #pyrocactus


@pyrocynical @stinkycactus

rumors about @pyrocynical flying down to see @stinkycactus have formed. have they seen each other?

@KEEMSTAR it's not a rumor, it's true lmao. don't get the wrong idea tho, he just came down to see me for a while.

the fans went m e n t a l after i tweeted that.

     "f u c k i shouldn't have said that." i said looking over at niall.
     "nah, they need to know so we don't keep them in the dark about what's going on." niall said reassuringly.
     "wanna watch a movie?" it's currently 9:30 PM so right now would be a great time to watch a movie.
niall said sure so i let him pick out a movie while i made us popcorn.

i froze when i seen what was in his hand, it was a horror movie. i walked back to the kitchen and looked down at the table.
    i thought to myself, "come on (y/n) do you really wanna show him how big of a pussy you are about horror movies?" i absolutely cannot stand horror movies and they scare me to death.
   i felt a hot breath on the back of my neck, "who's him?" niall was inches away from my face, i immediately started blushing like a dumbfuck.
   he grabbed my arm and we sat down to watch the movie.
half way through the movie i was basically just cuddled up with niall because of how scared i was, he had his arm around me and i had my hand on his chest.

                    Niall's short pov

"hey (y/n)? (y/n)?" i looked down to see that (y/n) was asleep, she looked so cut- no niall stop it she doesn't even like you like that.

i picked (y/n) up and put her in her room, put her blanket over her, and said goodnight. i walked back to my room and went to bed also.

fuck sorry for short chapters chnkmjkbh

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