chapter sixteen

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my finals are going to be the death of me i'm so tired right now so sorry for this half assed chapter.
also i'll slowly shift into kinky shit later on. i'm terrible at writing stuff like that so yeah.

niall was recording a video in his room, i could hear him making fun of calvin and roman. i crept upstairs and lowly walked into his room, quietly shutting the door behind me. i hid behind his wardrobe out of the cameras sight and yelled, "PUSSY". niall jumped, turning around to see me laughing my ass off.
   "THAT WAS TOO CUTE OH MY GOD." i say running over to him and giving him a hug.
   "FUCK OFF, CUNT." he said hugging me back, laughing too. i finished up the video with him, putting my own opinions and jokes in it. i was watching niall edit the clips and he kept every single part of me within the video.
   "nialllllll come lay down with meeeee." i say pretending to be tired, i really just wanted to cuddle with him. it was 6:30 PM and i was still hyper as hell.
niall walked into the bathroom and came out in only his boxers. i quickly slapped myself onto my side, pretending not to see him. his body looks so soft and his little freckles placed around his neck were so cute. niall climbed into bed and pulled me toward him. he wrapped his one of his arms around my lower back and was stroking my hair with his other one.
   "you're too cute faggot." i say smiling up at him.
   "no one is cuter than my little lesbian." niall said looking down at me.
   "i cant go stealing your nickname now." i say sarcastically.
   "who is this cute little les-" niall cut me off by kissing me.
   "shut up cunt." he said with his lips still on mine, smiling at me.
i laughed and kissed back.

it was 9:30 and we were wired on energy drinks and junk food. niall chased after me around the couch, up the stairs and back down again until he cornered me in the kitchen. he was recording all of it so i tried grabbing the camera multiple times.
   "FUCK OFF FAGGOT." i say trying to do one of those cool strafes around him.
he started laughing and finally stopped chasing me.

- literally at 3:00 AM -

i was filming a video because i haven't uploaded in a few days, me and niall were still up so we filmed it together. i started to fall asleep and niall said he'd finish and edit the video for me. what a great boyfriend amiright.

i got up in the morning to see that the video was posted that we filmed last night on my channel. i wanted to see what niall added in at the end since i fell asleep.
i could feel hot tears feeling up in my eyes. niall said this huge long speech about how great i am and made a long ass montage of random shit we've done over the past few days of me staying over at his house.

i jumped on top of niall, who was still sleeping, and hugged him tightly.
   "i love you." i said wiping my face.
   "i love you too faggot." he gave me a kiss on the forehead and got up to get dressed.
i was in my underwear and had one of his long hoodies on that niall gave to me.
   "looking sexy." he said walking out of the room.
   "nothings more sexy than your morning voice." i said winking at him with a huge smirk on my face.
i could see his face flush with red which was so cute, who knew that cocky son of a bitch could actually blush.

i walked down stairs and decided to get some food when there was a knock at the door. bitch i flew back up the stairs to get on a pair of shorts, then walked back down and slowly opened the door.

why? why him?

i slammed the door shut and turned around to start running, but i bumped into niall as soon as i did.
   "who the fuck was it?" niall asked me in a hurry.
   "i-it's alex." i squeezed one of my arms in anger, breaking the skin and making it bleed. (a/n; fun fact, i have anger issues so the only way i can keep from beating a bitches ass is to harm myself by squeezing a part of my body until it bleeds.)
niall slapped at my hand to stop myself from hurting my arm anymore.
   "(y/n)! don't do that!" he whispered loudly, alex was just a few feet away behind a door.
that's when reality hit me at what i was doing, i quickly shot back my arm and said, "i-i'm sorry. i'm so used to it, i didn't even realize what i was doing."
niall walked quickly over to the door and i grabbed him by his waist.
   "w-what if he hurts you niall? don't open the door." i said through my burst of anger.
niall hugged me.
   "he can fucking try me." niall said in a grave tone.
niall opened the door with one of his fist clenched ready to beat his ass.
   "woah woah, slow down there Mr. Pyrocynical." alex said with a smirk on his face, "i wouldn't try that if i were you."

i didn't even mean for this to be a cliff hanger. i'm just s o tired and want to sleep.

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