chapter seventeen

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enjoy the photo of me 😘😘

alex had two huge guys behind him, that scary ass smirk on their faces sent a shiver down my spine. niall released his clenched fist and backed up a few steps.
"hey (y/n), go upst-" i cut niall off.
"hey niall, go upstairs. it'll be tough taking on this many people but i can do it." i say walking toward the door.
niall grabbed my wrist and turned me around.
"are you fucking crazy? look how huge those guys are." niall whispered in my ear.
"niall, i'll tell you about my past later. i can do it now go." i pushed niall away from me leading him from the door. niall stopped and looked at me and walked toward the stairs. i can tell he didn't go up them though, he was hiding behind the wall.
"alex, the fuck do you think your doing?" i asked him.
"just trying to get my girl back of course. now move aside while i go beat nialls ass." he said pushing me.
i grabbed and squeezed his wrist as hard as i could, making him wince.
"i wasn't 'your girl' in the first place, and good luck getting to niall past me." i say smirking at him, while digging my fingernails into his wrist.
the two men lounged at me, simply i just stepped out of the way. i grabbed the knife on the kitchen table and wrapped around alex, holding the knife up to his neck.
   "one of you move and alex gets it. you two bitch boys came here to protect his dumbass, didn't ya? too bad now, isn't it?" i say while looking over at niall staring at me. i motioned to him to go upstairs, but the two men saw me. they headed towards niall and i started to shake, no they're gonna hurt him.
i pushed alex to the ground and ran after the two men. they caught up to niall and had a pistol point-blank to his head.
   "niall has nothing to do with this! if you're gonna shoot someone, shoot me you fucker!" niall looked over at me with tears filled in his eyes.
one of the men grabbed me by the arms and tying a rope around my wrist. i simply smiled at niall showing him everything was gonna be fine.
they shoved me and niall, tied up, in a room and locked the door.
   "h-hey (y/n) i-i'm s-sorry." niall said crying, i hate seeing him like this, it's the first time he's ever cried in front of me.
   "niall, everything's going to be fine. i know what to do, so there's no reason to worry." i scooted over to niall, kissing his wet cheeks.
i grabbed the knife in my pocket that i got from the kitchen, i snapped my rope and cut nialls too.
we could hear footsteps coming up the stairs, i told him the plan and we went through with it. both men opened the door, me and niall plunged toward them. i grabbed the mans gun and continued to fire a shot, i was too big of a pussy to shoot them so they were warning shots. both men backed away.
   "you get the fuck out of this house or i won't hesitate to put a bullet in both of your god damn heads." i say holding up the gun to one mans head while looking at the other.
they sprinted from the house, taking alex with them. after they were completely out of sight, i ran over to niall and hugged him tightly.
   "see, i told you it would be fine." i say getting all teary, still angry that they could've put a bullet in nialls head if that was their intention was.
   "you're more of a man than i am." niall scoffed while laughing weakly.

we called the police and told them everything that happened. they caught both men and alex, so there was no more worrying about them coming back.

me and niall were on the couch in the living room, i was laying on his lapped with my arms around his neck. i kissed his neck and i felt his face warm up.
   "awww i found someone's weak spottt." i said, putting on a voice you'd talk to a baby in.
   "shut the fuck up faggot." he said while laughing. he's calmed down a bit from what happened earlier.
i haven't really kissed niall much, he's always the one kissing me. i thought i'd make him feel better if i kissed him more, so i did.
i kissed niall neck again and i felt his face heat up even more. i felt a little cheeky so i nibbled on his ear and that done it.
   "STOP IT YOU CUNT." he said jokingly.
i simply replied with a weak laugh and kept doing it.
   "alright then faggot, if you won't quit..."
niall started to kiss my neck as well.
   "hey buddy that's not fair!" i say in a whiny voice. tbh when he kissed my neck it's felt so good but i wanted to do it to him.
he lightly bit on the bottom of my ear unexpectedly and i let out a little moan. i slapped my hand over my mouth in awe about what i just did.
   "awww i found someone's weak spotttt." he said mocking me.
   "yeah yeah fuck off." i was still embarrassed about what i did.
niall gently hit my ear again and i still didn't expect it, i let out a moan again my accident.
   "FUCK OFF CUNT." i whispered loudly into his ear.
   "your moans are cute though." he whispered back, biting my ear again.
i could feel my face flush with a color of red.
i continued to kiss niall and i bit his ear too, he let out a little moan and i started laughing.
   "HEY YOU CANT DO THAT." he slightly yelled.
i was dying laughing and he sat there embarrassed.
   "yoUR moaNs aRE cuTE thOuGH." i responded back mocking what he said.
i wrapped my arms and legs around niall and he carried me up stairs.
we laid in bed cuddling, and fell asleep.

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