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trying my best to get chapters out 😔👊🏼 also i love nialls dimples sm.

there's gonna b some kinky shit in this chapter so yeah, skip if you want.

the whole day me and niall were fucking around, making nazi jokes, and shit posting on twitter.
these were the best days, ones with me just chilling with niall.
"hey fuck face wanna make some food?" i asked him. i was laying with my head in his lap, poking his dimples.
"your dimples are cute mate." i say laughing without giving him a chance to respond.
"yeah we can make food, what do you want faggot?" he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch.
"anything that the cute lesbian will eat." i winked and dragged him to the kitchen.
niall got out a pan and decided to make us pancakes.

also if you didn't read the top, there's gonna be some kinky shit so like skip if you don't like that stuff. i'm terrible at writing it shush i know.

niall was over by the stove flipping our pancakes, i got off my chair and snuck up behind him. i wrapped my arms around nialls waist and whispered close to his ear.
   "that stove is almost as hot as you." i started laughing really hard because of my stupid ass joke. i kept whispering into nialls ear with a 'sexy' voice, telling the dumbest jokes i could think of.
everytime i got close to his ear, niall would flinch a bit and had raggedy motions.
   "i wouldn't do that if i were you." niall said while flipping the last pancake.
   "hmmm? why's that?" i kissed his neck and this gently bit his ear. i hugged niall tighter, getting even closer to him.
niall gently laid our pancakes onto one plate, i moved my hands closer to the waistline of nialls shorts, still hugging him. niall froze at my actions and swiftly turned around.
"i told you, you might not wanna do that." he said smirking at me.
"or what?" i say kissing his neck.
niall pushed me until my back was pressed against the countertop, he started placing kisses all down my neck and nibbling on my ear.
"n-niall, what are you doing?" i asked through my heaps of breath.
"i'm sorry, but i might lose my manners." niall said looking up with his sea-green colored eyes, smirking at me. i immediately blushed and let him continue. he picked me up then sat me onto the table. his shorts pressed against my inner thigh and his hands were trailing down my legs. i wrapped my arms around nialls neck and my legs around his waist, to only feel his bulge through his shorts f u c k.
he picked me up with my arms and hands still wrapped around him and carried me to his room.
niall plopped me onto the bed, i was laying down staring up at niall hovering over me. he smirked and started kissing my neck again, but this time the way he was kissing would definitely leave multiple hickeys. niall took off his shirt in one swift move, while i fumbled away trying to get my oversized sweatshirt off (his merch shirt), i was trying to take all of this in at once. my throat my dry and i was a total hot mess, but niall, he was.. patient and calm as ever.
niall helped me with my shirt and pulled off my black leggings. he started to leave kisses down my chest and stomach which made me flinch everytime he did.
   "your stomachs so sensitive." niall said in a seductive voice which would make me blush harder if i could.
after a few minutes of kissing and touching each other, niall trails his hands down to my underwear.
niall whispered centimeters from my ear,
"(y/n).. if you don't feel comfortable going this far, we don't need to. i don't want you to regret doing something with me." his voice was hot making my ear twitch, his sexy voice made me want to tackle him in kisses.
   "i-it's fine. i think.." i didn't know what to say, there was too much going on at once i had no time to think.
niall released his hand from the lining of my underwear and placed them on my cheek.
   "we don't need to go that far until you know you're ready." niall smiled at me and place a kiss on my forehead. i didn't want to stop, niall leaned up and started to walk the other direction of the bed.
i quickly grabbed his arm and asked him,
   "what are you gonna do about that?" i said with the cockiest smirk on my face, pointing my eyes down at his shorts.
niall's face immediately flushed with light shade of red. i saw his eyes looking for an answer to give, but he couldn't.
i smiled at him and yanked him back down on the bed. i was laying ontop of niall now, he pleasured me enough so now it's my time to give back.
i kissed nialls neck and gently bit his ear. he'd let out little moans here and there which were so cute. i sat myself right on nialls shorts where his bulge was, he covered his mouth trying not to let out any sound. i kissed him on his lips and moved his hand away from his face.
   "i really hope you understand what you're getting yourself into, (y/n)." niall said smirking at me.
i kissed him again, this time biting his lip as i parted which made niall flinch.
niall pulled himself upwards, with me sat on top of him and started kissing my chest. i laid my down on nialls neck, trying not to let pleasure escape my mouth.
   "niall, please. i cant wait any longer." i say burying my head into nialls neck.
   "as you wish." niall whispered with his lips gently touching my ear.


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