spice spice

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"hey (y/n)? do you want to go to this youtuber party that felix is holding in a couple of hours?"
"sure bitch ill start getting ready."
we both got ready and we walked out of our rooms. niall was looking fine as hell as always, we got in the car and finally got to the party.
we could hear distant music and drunk bitches already, me and him locked arms and walked in.
almost immediately we could hear people yelling "PYROCACTUS! PYROCACTUS!" which i found hella funny.
"i'll go get us some drinks, be right back bitch." niall told me smiling with his dumbass.
niall walked back to me with some alcohol, i was a lightweight but didn't wanna look like a lil bitch so i drank it.
we stayed for a few hours, and then Roman (NFKRZ) decides to play spin the bottle.
"better sit across from loverboy" he winked at me, which i just rolled my eyes. the bottle landed on felix and this girl. NFKRZ and Alex which was hella funny. Mark and this really pretty girl. then, the bottle landed on me and niall, i blushed for like 5 seconds and then finally got it over with.
my first kiss was niall, what a fucking blessing.

unfortunately, niall drank w a y too much and i ended up having to call an uber to take us back to our house. i drug niall inside and put him on my bed.
"(y/n), you're sooooo fucckinng hott." niall said slurring his words.
"shut the fuck up, you're drunk go to sleep dumbass." i said walking out of my room.
i heard niall get up and i turned around. he grabbed me by my waist and hugged me.
"niall, let go i'll go get you some water."
"pleash stay here with me?" niall said looking at me with his puppy dog eyes.
"fine, but you need to sleep got i-" i was cut off when niall's lips connected with mine. i was so shocked, i stood there frozen. i knew it was bad to take advantage of him while he was drunk but i couldn't resist, i kissed back and we finally parted.
"niall stop it, you're just gonna forget by tomorrow." he kept hugging me while holding onto one of my legs by his waistline. he kissed me on the neck and started laughing.
"you're soooo cute you know that?" i started to blush but then again i knew he was drunk so nothing really mattered.
"okay okay, lets sleep now aight?" i said backing away from him. i was going to go sleep in his room until he grabbed me and pulled me into bed with him.
i was curled up by his chest under the covers and he kissed me goodnight.

- the next morning -

i woke up before niall did and i walked into the kitchen to make us some food. all i could think about was last night when he kissed me. after food was done, i went to wake him up.
"niall, get your lazy ass up. foods done, i'll get you some pills for your head." i came prepared knowing he'd have a headache after drinking so much.
"mmmmm." the only thing he responded with. i finally dragged him out of bed, halfway carrying him to the kitchen. i was getting us something to drink when i felt something come up behind me. exactly like last night, niall grabbed my waist and hugged me from behind.
"you're just gonna forget by tomorrow," niall said smirking as he quoted me.
i didn't know what to do, i just stood there frozen until i turned around and subconsciously kissed him. after i realized what i had done, i just found myself staring into niall's green ass eyes. he was smirking with this sly ass look the whole time which was kinda fucking cute.
"oh what's this? a new move?" niall asked me. i backed away blushing, "just eat your god damn food and shut the fuck up, cunt."
i ran to the bathroom and tried to recall what the hell just happened. thoughts overflowed my head with questions and feelings i couldn't express. after about 10 minutes of me trying to figure shit out, i laid on the couch and fell asleep.

i heard my phone buzz and i looked at my twitter notification.

@stinkycactus aww look at this cutie sleeping.

[insert a picture of you sleeping on a couch here]

"NIALL IM GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS." i could hear him laughing and running through the house.
i finally caught up to him and grabbed him around his stomach, i looked up at him and laughed.
"damn i cant stay mad at you." i laughed even harder.

after a few hours of fucking around and playing games, i asked him if he wanted to film another video of reading comments. he agreed so we set everything up and started the video.
"when are you and pyro going to fuck?"
"has niall finally got some pussy?"
"are you and pyro dating?"
"what's your relationship with niall?"
ugh this is hopeless.
i looked at my camera and said, "regarding me and niall, we're just bestfriends," i sighed, "you guys really are cancerous fucks." i laughed leaning back on niall making the chair we sat in fall over.
"fUCK WE'VE MCFALLEN!" niall screamed and the video ended there.

as i was getting up niall dragged me back down and we ended up just laying on the floor looking at each other.
"are you trying to give me a fucking stroke?" i asked jokingly.
"yeah." he said laughing.
"*cough* iM GAYY *cough*" we both started laughing and finally got off the floor.
we both sat on the couch and fell asleep while editing my video.
this exceeds 1000 words btw f u c k.

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