it finally happened

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i woke up to niall's arm around me, i was turned towards him inches away from face. i seriously wanted to kiss him but ya girl isn't taking that chance. i laid there for a few minutes just staring at him sleeping.
   "the fuck you staring at?" niall opened his eyes, smirking at me.
   "a fat cunt, how about you?" i said raising one of my eyebrows.
   "a recreation of scarce, the lord and savior himself." we both started laughing and just laid there for about 10 minutes talking.
   "damn i'm hungry, ill make us some food." i say pulling myself up from niall's bed.
as i was about to get up, niall wrapped his arm around me and pulled me back down.
   "just lay here with me for a little while, i enjoy talking to a cunt like you." he said staring at the blanket over us.
i laid there thinking about it, "aight fine but you have to take more pictures with me if i do." i say smiling at him sarcastically.
   "fine, i will you dumb cunt."
after about 20 minutes of us talking and chilling on our phones, i  get up to make us some food.
   "what do you want to eat mate?" i asked niall trying to imitate his voice.
   "i'll have two number 9s, a number nine large." niall said in a very deep voice. i started laughing at him and he just smiled at me.
   "fix whatever you want cunt, i'm gonna go take a shower really quick. thank you for fixing us food all the time, i appreciate it." he said turning around heading to the bathroom.
i smiled at him and walked to the kitchen.
after i fixed us food, i went to the bathroom bc i needed to brush my teeth, wash my face, yanno like what normal humans do every morning.
but oohhhhhh did i forget that niall took a shower.
i walked into the bathroom to see niall, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair laid flat to his head.
   "OHMYGOD IM SORRY I DDINT MEAN TO I FORGOT." i turned around yelling with my hands covering my eyes.
niall, as calm as ever said, "nah it's fine bitch chill out." he said jokingly.
   "hurry the fuck up, foods done by the way." i turned around back to niall, his body looked so smooth and cute omfg.
i grabbed my toothbrush and niall just sat there staring at me.
   "the fuck you doing cunt? go get some clothes on, aren't cha cold?" i said looking back at him.
   "ah, yeah i am actually." niall walked out of the bathroom in his little towel and i heard him shut the door to his room, probably getting clothes on.
i sat down at the table waiting for niall, he came out of his room and sat down beside me.
i looked at his wet ass hair and grabbed a towel.
   "you need to dry your hair, the wetness will get everywhere." i said while rubbing the towel against his head.
   "like your pu-" i cut niall off by putting my hand on his mouth.
   "shut it." i said, he grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently.
   "thaNkS moM." he said smiling looking up at me.
   "you're welcome sweetie." i playfully kissed him on his forehead and walked to the laundry room to put the towel in the washer. on my way, i looked back at niall to see that he had his hand on his forehead, smiling. i smiled too and kept walking.
after we ate and settled down, i took some pictures with niall. he had his glasses on and i had his russian hat on.
i took a video of me saying,
   "we're actual goals."
   "idk about you but when i see someone in glasses and a russian hat id run." he said laughing.
   "GREAT IDEA." i took his glasses and started imitating him.
   "hEY gUYs itS yA boY, skInNy peN-" i was cut off when niall tackled me for my phone and yelled, "hEY GUYS SCARCE HERE." he said in his best scarce voice.
   "you— do that— so well." i said between my tears of laughter.
i posted the video to twitter and everyone was shipping us as always. me and niall were dying at one comment that said "look at fat". it's so random it's hilarious.
we've gotten along better and better everyday he's been here, funny, he's only been here for a little under a week. which makes me think, how long is he even staying here?
   "hey niall, i just now thought of this. how long are you gonna stay here?" i looked at niall, we were both sitting on the couch.
   "well haha, i-i leave in one day." he said looking down at his feet.
one day? one day.
i broke down in tears, only one more day.
   "h-hey (y/n), don't cry it's gonna be okay." he said with worry in his eyes.
   "how is this okay niall? how? i only get to see you for one more day." i slightly yelled, i was trying to hold myself together.
niall looked like he was on the verge of crying too.
i felt niall get closer to me, he hugged me tightly and i hugged back.
   "i'm gonna miss you so much, this is hard for me too." he said looking me in the eyes.
   "look (y/n), i know that this probably isn't the right time. i seriously need to tell you now since i'll be gone after tomorrow.
i love you. i've loved you ever since i started talking to you. i love your voice, laugh, personality, looks. i love everything about you. a-and i've wanted to ask you this for a really long time and now that we're here together, i finally can.
(y/n), will you please be my girlfriend?"
i stared at niall for a few seconds, he had this smile on his face that i cant describe. everything he just said had so much meaning in it.
   "yes.." i say leaning closer to him.
our lips touched and he pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me.
we parted after a while, he gently wiped away at my tear-stained face with this cute smile on his face.
i buried my face into his neck, wanting to cry again.
   "i'm gonna miss you so much. i don't want you to leave." i kissed him again and slowly fell asleep on top of him, on the couch.

i wanna thank not only god, but jesus.

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