Chapter 4: Not so Normal Life

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News seemed to travel fast about Joe and I dating, as well as Nick and Sarah. Our phones were being blown up with text messages from our friends, and even fans on social media because we started following each other and he tagged me in a photo of us together. I woke up the next morning to a text message from Joe.
Joe: Good Morning beautiful, I guess news traveled fast.
Me: Good Morning and yeah it did. My phone has been blowing up all night.
Joe: My social media feed has too, my parents want to meet you already.
Me: Aw mine do too.
Joe: We will soon 😁
I smiled setting my phone down to go find me something to eat. Sarah came into the room talking on the phone to who I assumed was Nick. I heard my phone ring and went to get it, and sure enough it was Joe calling me. He sounded so different on the phone, his voice as much deeper than in person. We talked for a little bit before he had to go with his new band DNCE to a photoshoot. "I love you Avery." He told me. "I love you too Joe." I replied back before hanging up. I walked back into the kitchen to see Sarah eating cereal, and looking at her phone. "That was Joe." I told her. "I was just talking to Nick." She replied. "Oh how is he?" I asked her. "He's good, hes at his house for right now." She told me. "Joe is with DNCE getting ready for a photo shoot." I replied. "So Nick told me he loved me." She said smiling from ear to ear. "Joe did too!" I said excitedly. We both jumped around giggling talking about everything. When I got back home, my parents didn't seem to realize what the big news was about. They went on with their lives as it did before, my dad going to work and my mom helping with my grandparents. I got a text message from Joe the next day saying that he wants to come meet my parents so I had a meeting with them in my room. "What did you need to talk to us about?" My mom asked me sitting on the bed beside me. "Well my boyfriend Joe wants to meet you." I told them. "How long have you been with this Joe?" My dad asked. "Several weeks." I replied. "What's this Joe's last name?" My mom asked me. "Jonas." I replied back. "You mean like in that boy band you like?" My dad asked me looking at their posters still on my wall. "Yeah, we met at their concert. Sarah is with Nick the curly headed one." I replied. Before they could reply, the doorbell rang. I sprang up off of the bed and ran into the room to answer the door. When I opened it there stood Joe, smiling from ear to ear. "Surprise." He told me pulling a dozen roses out from behind his back. "Hey what are you doing here?" I asked him. "I came to meet your parents." He replied giving me a hug. "Well come on in, I was just telling them about you." I replied back letting him in the door and giving him a hug. "So where are they at?" He asked me looking around my house. "This way." I replied motioning him to follow me back to my room. When we got to my door, I took a huge breath and opened the door. "Mom, Dad this is Joe my boyfriend." I told them as we walked in holding hands. Both of my parents looked at Joe then looked at the poster and back to him with their mouths dropped open. "Oh my gosh it is Joe Jonas." My mom gasped getting up my hug him. "See I told you." I replied restraining myself from doing a I-Told-You-So dance. My dad came over to Joe and shook his hand. "So your dating my babygirl." He told him. "Yes sir, she makes me happy as I do to her." He replied. "Well good, you seem like a nice guy." He told him. "Don't worry sir, my Dad is a preacher and I wear this purity ring so no physical stuff." He replied holding up his hand to show off the ring. "I like that about you, let's go Marsha to give them space." My dad said turning to my mom. They both left the room leaving us both standing there still holding hands. Joe let go of my hand to look around my room. "Wow." He said smirking. "What?" I asked him. "Your room that'sall." He replied. "What about it, is it that bad?" I asked him. "No its cute how you have all of these posters up and your room is pink." He said coming back over to me. "I have had the room this color since I was like in the 4th grade and the posters change every now and then." I told him. "I see now." He replied following me to sit on the bed. "So how was it meeting my parents?" I asked him. "Not bad, I was more nervous to meet your dad than your mom." He replied. "He can be very intimidating." I joked. We sat on my bed talking about our lives and trying to bring up new subjects. "Did you mean what you said to my dad about me making you happy?" I asked him. "Yeah I did, we have been together only a few weeks but you really do make me happy." He told me. "I feel the same way." I replied smiling. "So Avery there is something I don't  know about you." He told me. "What's that?"I asked him making my heart beat fast. "Your full name.' He replied. "Oh well my full name is Avery Annemarie Tawney." I replied. "That's pretty, I know you already know mine since your a gan." He teased. "Yes I do, Joseph Adam Jonas." I replied back. "Dang girl you do know me." He smiled again kissing me. Everytime he kissed me, I felt butterflies in my stomach, and I can never stop smiling.  

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