Chapter 5: Trip To Meet His Parents

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Joe and I had been dating for awhile when he decided it was time for me to meet his parents. "So I want to you to come to New Jersey to meet my parents." He told me on the phone. "Really?" I asked sitting up. "Yeah, Nick is bringing Sarah to meet them so I thought it would be nice if you came too." He replied. "Oh my gosh I'm excited to meet the people who brought you in this world." I replied. "Good because I'm excited for you to meet them." He replied. We got off of the phone so I could go talk to my mom about the trip. "So mom, Joe wants me to go to New Jersey with him to meet his parents." I told her. "Really well go have fun and take pictures." She told me. I ran back to my room to tell Joe and Sarah the good news who both were very excited. I started packing my clothes, and ended up with several outfits, pajamas, toiletries and even some bathing suits. Once I was finished, I went to sleep to get some rest for the long trip ahead. I woke up the next morning to the feel of Joe's lips on my forehead. "Good Morning sleepy head." I heard his husky voice say. I opened my eyes to see him leaning over me and smiling. "Hey they beautiful." He told me. "What time is it?" I asked trying to find my phone on the bedside table. "It's 7am." He told me. "Ugh it's so early." I whined. "I know but we got to get on the road, Nick and Sarah are in the car waiting." He told me. I got up out of bed to use the bathroom and freshen up before leaving. I came back in my room to get the rest of my things and followed Joe out the door. I left my parents a note and quietly went out the door to the car. Joe put my luggage in the back of the car while I slid in the back to see Nick and Sarah waiting for us half asleep. "Hey." He told me. "Hey guys are you ready for the trip?" I asked them. "I am, I'm excited to meet Denise and Kevin Sr." Sarah replied. "Me too." I replied as Joe slid in next to me. "All right let's go." Joe told the driver who I didn't see until a panel slid down revealing the driver. The driver started the car and off to New Jersey we went. We all decided to just drive there instead of getting on a plane. I felt myself getting groggy as we traveled so I laid my head on Joe's shoulder and fell asleep. I felt him cover me up with the blanket and snuggle close to me before he fell asleep too. "Wake up sleepy head we stopped to get something to eat." He told me. I woke up to see Joe beside me sticking his shoes back on. "Where are we at?" I asked him. "We are about an hour away from my parents." He told me. "Wow was fast." I replied getting out to stretch my legs. I got my phone and put it into my purse and followed them inside the McDonald's. As soon as we entered, everyone went crazy over Nick and Joe. They surrounded us asking then for autographs and pictures, and even asking Sarah and I too. Once the crowd died down, we ordered, got our food and sat down to eat. Joe was on the phone with his parents telling them about the trip. "My mom said hey and she is very excited to meet you girls." He told us. "Aw that's sweet, I'm excited to meet her too." I replied. "I'll be right back, I need to go potty before we hit the road." I told Joe giving him a kiss before I left. "Me too." Sarah replied giving Nick a kiss following behind me.
-Joe's POV-
Whenever the girls left, I turned to Nick to talk to him about something. "So man there is something I need to talk to you about." I told him. "What is it?" He asked me setting his phone down. "I have never felt this way, about anyone before, I really am in love with her." I told him. "I feel the same way about Sarah." He replied. "It's the best feeling, after things with Sophie happened I never thought I would find love again, until I met her and now I realize what happiness truly is." I told him. "I do too, looks like we found our keepers." He told me. "It's just hard." I said fiddling with my purity ring. "What is?" He asked me. "Being around her with all of these feelings, just making out with her is hard without going further." I said embarrassingly. "It is hard man, but as as long as we are careful we should be okay." He told me. "So true man." I replied back looking up to see the girls coming back.
-My POV-
When we came out of the bathroom, the guys seemed to be having a very  serious conversation because when they saw us they imdediently stopped talking. "Are you guys ready to hit the road?" I asked Joe. "Yep let's go!" He said taking our trays to the trash and motioning us out the door. We all piled back in the car and headed down the road.

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