Chapter 10: The Double Proposals

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Nick got up next to Sarah and got on one knee revealing a small black box from his pocket. "Sarah I love you so much, I haven't felt this way in a long time. I want you to be the one that I spend the rest of my life with, have kids and grow old and gray. Sarah Elizabeth Rose Little will you marry me?" He asked her. Everyone in the restaurant stopped what they were going to see what her reply would be. She looked around at all of us with tears in her eyes, before saying "Yes!" We all applauded into cheers, wiping the tears from our faces. "Oh my gosh I'm engaged!" She exclaimed giving Nick a kiss and then coming over to show us the ring. "It's so beautiful, Nick did a good job." I told them. I looked up at Nick who nodded at Joe to do his surprise. Joe got up like Nick did and got down on one knee with a box in his hands. I felt myself gasp putting my hands to my face. "Avery before I met you, I had relationships that never felt the way that this does. You made me so happy this past year, I don't want to lose what we have so Avery Annemarie Tawney will you marry me?" He asked me opening up the box to reveal a very beautiul ring. I couldnt help but starting crying runing my makeup. "Yes!" I said getting up to give him a hug. The while restaurant and his family went crazy over the double proposals. His whole family filmed everything and will be posting on Instagram to spread the news. Denise, Danielle and the girls came over to give Sarah and I both a hug. "I am so happy to be gaining 2 daughter in laws, thank you for coming into their lives." Denise told us. "I am so happy to become a part of this family, Joe truly makes me happy." I told her. "Nick makes me happy too, I can't wait to become Mrs. Nick Jonas." Sarah told us giggling. "I can't wait to become Mrs. Joe Jonas." I giggled back. "I am so excited to be getting 2 more aunties." Alena told us. We all finished dinner talking about the weddings coming up, and started on dessert. Through out the rest of the night, I couldnt help but stare at my ring. It was literally the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, I loved the way the ring caught in the light and made a rainbow figure. "Avery?" Denise asked me getting me out of my trance. "Yeah sorry, I'm so distracted by my ring." I told them. "I was the same way, it took awhile to stick that I was engaged." Danielle told me. "I am truly truly happy." I replied. "Me too." Joe replied kissing me on the cheek. After all of the excitement we got tired and decided to go get some sleep before exploring the park the next day. Back in our hotel room, I snuggled up to Joe     while he watched tv and couldnt stop smiling. "What are you smiling about?" He asked me. "I can't stop thinking of the proposal." I told him. "I know me too, thank you for coming into my life." He replied kissing me. "Your Welcome, thank you." I replied smiling before falling asleep with my head on his chest.

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