Chapter 23: Double Birthday

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I woke up at midnight with the sudden urge to pee, so I carefully got out of bed to go. The nurses did not give me the epidural yet so I didn't have to pee in a catheter just yet. I was standing up to wipe when a warm sensation rolled down my leg, and made a puddle on the floor. "Shoot." I muttered under my breath going over the puddle to crack the door and get Joe awake. "Babe." I hollered out the door making him jump. "Avery whats wrong?" He asked me coming to the door. "I stood up and my water broke." I told him pointing to the floor where my puddle was. He went over to the bed to hit the nurse call button. "Yes?" A voice came on. "This is Joe in room 320, my wife Avery went to the bathroom and her water broke." He told her. "Oh my gosh okay we will be right there." She said. A few minutes later several nurses came into the room to help me back into bed and get cleaned up. "Now that your water broke, it means we can start the epidural and get labor started. "They told me going to get the anesthesiologist who does the epidural. "Happy Birthday babe." I told Joe. "Thank you so much, this is the best gift being here with you awaiting the birth of our little girl." He told me. The nurses came in to do the epidural and add the catheter, and check to see much I was dilated. "Your now at 4 centimeters." She told me. "We are getting there." I replied. "Just continue to rest, we will be back in alittle later." She told me. Joe and I went back to sleep for a little bit, before Denise, Sarah and Danielle come to visit. Joe was still sleeping soundly when I woke up, as the door knocked for our visitors. Denise, Sarah and Danielle came in quietly coming over to give me a hug. "How are things?" She asked me. "Good, my water broke this morning and I'm at 4 centimeters." I told her. "Now it can be anytime." She told me. "Yes, we are anxiously waiting for her." I replied. "The girls are so excited." Danielle told me. "So are Nick and I." Sarah replied. Joe slowly opened his eyes and sat up. "Hey there sleepy head." Denise told him. "Did we wake you?" Danielle asked. "No I wanted to be awake." He replied. The nurses came in to check me again and I was at 6 centimeters. "Now it's close." I said nervously. Time went by and by 1:30 I was 10 centimeters and ready to push. Dr. Peterman came in along with several nurses who were getting things ready while I started pushing. Joe was on my left side, Danielle on my right while Sarah and Denise helped hold my legs up. "Okay start pushing." Dr. Peterman instructed. I took a deep breath and started pushing with all my force. "Keep going Avery I see her head." Dr. Peterman told me. "I see a head full of black hair." Denise said. I kept pushing and pushing until I heard the sound of a baby crying. "Here she is." Dr. Peterman said holding her up. Stella was absolutely beautiul, she had a head full of black hair, and her skin was pink. "Stella." I gasped as she was being laid on my chest. I looked over at Joe who was smiling from ear to ear with tears pouring down his face. "Our princess." He said kissing me on the forehead. After Joe cut the cord, the nurses took Stella to get her cleaned up, while Dr. Peterman finished up with me. Everyone was over with Stella taking pictures of her, Denise came over to me to give me a hug. "She's so beautiul, you did a good job." She told me. "Thanks so much, I'm glad everyone is here with me." I replied. Joe tagged me in a picture of Stella on Instagram with the caption: Today at 1:40 pm Stella Denise Marie Jonas was born. She weighs 6 pounds 10 ounces and is 22 inches long. This is the best birthday present, thank you Avery for coming into my life and bringing our princess into the world. Stella was brought back over to me, wrapped in a blanket with a pink capl on her head. "There's Princess Stella." I cooed at her. She opened her eyes to look at me, she had very dark eyes. "She's Joe mini me, he had a head full of hair like this when he was born." She told me. One of the nurses came in to try and see of I can feed Stella and surprisingly she fed like a champion and even burped like one too. Joe held Stella while I tried to get some rest before she needed a feed again. I smiled at Joe before falling fast asleep.

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