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Next morning I wake up hugging a muscular body. I snuggle into the warm body and the hands around me tighten.

I closing open my eyes to find myself facing Taemin's chest. I look up to find Taemin looking at me with a small smile.

I quickly move away from her and hide under the blanket. I go red. What was I doing?

I hear Taemin laughing in a deep raspy voice and pulling down my cover. "Why are you hiding?"

"I .... Uhm.... we should get ready." I quickly reply and get up. I run to the bathroom and slam the door close.


The school time comes by in a buzz everyday as I am too excited to work on this play.

We practice for a long time everyday and it's been three weeks since we started working on the play.

We have been practising really well and spending our nights together, reading the script out.

Most days we fall asleep in one person's bed and wake up hugging each other. She acts as if nothing is wrong but my heart can't handle her sweet smile.

I ended up tongue tied whenever I found myself in that position. I like staying in her arms. I love waking up surrounded by her scent.

I distracted myself with studies and did well in all the classes.

The monthly exam was last week so we had an exception from practice for that week but we practiced when we take breaks.


"Taemin. Wake up! Sleepy head! Exams are over. We have to celebrate." I shout at her as she slowly wakes up.

"Wha ...." she looks around the room. She looks at the digital watch on her night stand.

"It's 12 o'clock. Why are youwaking me up now?" Taemin looks at me, wide awake now.

"It's 11:59. And .......... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAEMIN!!!" I shout as I see the clock show twelve o'clock in neon digits.

She looks at me in confusion and then as she understands what's happening, she smiles at me and hugs me.

"Thank you!" She says happily. "You remembered?"

"Obviously. How can I not?" I grin at her as we part. Now, I managed to get something from the cook." I say as I walk to my table and open a box.

I give it to her. "I asked Mina what you like and tried to collect them." I give her a cheesy smile.

She opens the box and her eyes widen at the sight of the collection of her favourite sweets.

"Let's eat tomorrow morning with Mina." She says, keeping it aside. I nod enthusiastically.

"Now let's sleep. I want my beauty sleep." Taemin jokes as she pulls me towards her and offs the lights.

We lay next to each other as the night continues on. I steal occasionally glances at her as I slowly feel my lids getting heavier.

Next morning, we wake up late and  eat breakfast with Mina. Today is the day we are allowed to travel to the town.

We get ready and head down together: Taemin, Mina and me.

"Let's go to that bakery and buy a cake." Mina says as we walk by a small bakery.

All of us agree and buy a small cake for the birthday baby. We also head to the clothes, stationery, etc stores.

We cut the cake at a cafe and drink some fruit juice and head happily to our school and to our room.

Confused | Taemin X Reader | SHINee Fanfic| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now