Another day

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I quickly flick off his hand and move closer to Taemin. I place my hand on his hand and squeeze them.

He gives me a reassuring squeeze as I move closer to him.

I place my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I could feel his heat radiate off him and warming me.

I slowly fall asleep on his shoulder listening to him talk and his cute chuckles.


"Quite a scene, aye?" A sweet voice interrupts my sleep and I open my eyes.

Laughter is heard from the front seats as they continue talking about something else.

I look around me. My head was on Taemin's shoulder and his hands wrapped around me.

His chin was resting on top on my head and he seems to be asleep.

Jake's head was on my thigh and his eyes were closed. His hands under his head on my exposed skin, covering my entire thigh.

I slowly sit up and Taemin's head falls to my left shoulder. I never thought I would be in such a situation.

"You're awake?" Dad asks as I look at the scene around me.

"Yeah. I just woke up. Are we close?" I ask dad, yawning.

"Yeah. Just half an hour left." He says. My parents start talking about some of our neighbours.

I sit there, trapped between the two guys on either side of me. I tilt back my head and go back to sleep. I am way too tired.


"Y/N, wake up!" I hand pokes me. I shake my head, not opening my eyes.

"I'll take her to her room." A voice says and I feel someone lift me up, bridal style and walk.

I put my hands around his neck and snuggle closer, still partially asleep.

"She is so cute." I hear another voice beside me.

"That she is." The person carrying me says.

I slowly open my eyes and blink. I look at the person carrying me, Jake. I almost jumped up but I kept my calm. 

"I am awake. I'll walk." I say softly and loosen my grip on him. He smiles and puts me down.

"Well, I will leave you two then." He says and heads towards a door nearby. He waves at us.

I smile back and I turn to face Taemin. "That's his room and that's mine." I point to a door next to his. I lead him to the door.

"Welcome Taemin!" I say as I lead him in.

"It looks cute." He say smiling. "I am sleepy." He says and flops on my bed. I giggle.

I pull the blankets over him and put up the curtains. I walk out the door and close it quietly.

Just at that moment, Jake walks out his door as well. "Oh hey! Going to take your things?" He asks. I nod. "I'll help."

We both walk towards the back door and go to the garage where the car is.

He opens takes the trunks from the back and I take the bags.

"Let's take them in one by one." J suggest as we look at the heavy boxes. He nods and moves to my side.

"How was school?" He asks moving closer. I slowly move backwards.

"It was good." I say quietly. My back hits the back of the car and I stop moving and look at him nervously.

"Why are you so scared?" He laughs mockingly and puts his hands on either side of my waist on the car.

I don't reply and just continue to look at him with begging eyes.

He places one of his hands on the side of my thigh and drags his hand along my bare skin.

His hands reach my skirt and continue moving up, pushing the skirt up as well.

"Jake, what are you doing?" I whisper shout at him nervously. "Mom and dad ...."

He places his other hand on my mouth, preventing me from making any sound. "Shh. Baby." He smirks as his hands stop.

He had pushed up the skirt to the maximum level and my panties are clearly visible. His hands play with the hem of the panties.

I push him away from me with all the force I have and look around for something.

Anger is burning inside me. I wanted to kill him there and then. I felt like a demon inside me has just been released.

The story is nearing its end and I wanted to say that I really had an amazing time writing it. Thank you all for reading.

Confused | Taemin X Reader | SHINee Fanfic| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now