Once again, Confused

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Listen to the song while you read. 😉

Taemin places both his hands against the door, blocking me from both sides.

His head is bend down and he is laughing at the banging noises and moans from the other stall.

What the heck? This is a school, people! Anyone can catch you here! Seriously.....

But, what's bothering me more is how close Taemin is to me. I can feel his body's heat radiate off him. That's a little too close, isn't it?

"Hmm. Taemin?" I whisper as he stops laughing and looks up. He lifts his eyebrows. "Can you ..." I whisper again as I softly place my hands on his chest to push him away.

I try but, guess what? Nope. Not happening. He smirks at me as the background noises increase. "You want to continue what we started in the music room?" He says in a low voice.

My eyes go wide and quickly shake my head. "Are you mad?" I ask him.

"Am I?" He leans forward. "You weren't so timid then." He whispers in my ear.

"I .. I didn't know you were a boy for sure, right?" I try to defend myself.

"How does that change anything?" He moves closer. I move backwards pressing my back more against the door.

"That changes everything." I exclaim. He immediately puts his hand over my mouth and gestures me to be quiet.

"Uhm. Yoongi? I just heard someone." The girl in the other stall says.

"Nah, babe. It's no one. So Jo, where were we?" The noises continue.

Taemin slowly slides his hands down to my waist and moves forward. My breathing becomes ragged and I close my eyes.

As soon as I feel his lips on mine, I open my eyes but then I melt into the kiss and close them again.

One of his hands is snaked around my waist while the other is pressed against the door.

My hands go into his hair and tug on them. His body presses against mine as I become more desperate.

I pull his head closer to mine and kiss him thirstily. His passion isn't any less.

We part, breathless. I look into his eyes and see that they are hooked. I gulp even though I wasn't chewing anything.

Why did I find this situation scary? And yet, I want to go along with it. Why is everything so confusing?

We stay like this for a few seconds and these few seconds seem like an eternity to me. His black eyes were so beautiful and deep. I could get lost in them.

Suddenly we hear a few other students come in. "We should get going." He whispers as I am still under his spell.

We quickly slip out and smile at the students who are starting to flood in. We go out and decide to walk around till the break in over.

As we get out of the canteen and walk along the corridor, our hands brush and I feel my cheeks grow hot.

Jonghyun jumps out of nowhere and scares us.

"What the ..... Jonghyun?" I ask as I recover from the shock.

"You mind if we steal Taemin for a few seconds?" He asks, nodding towards where the other three boys from before are standing.

I shake my head and he drags a happy Taemin away. I watch as they walk away.

I slowly walk around the corridors, alone with my thoughts, which is not a good thing. Obviously, my thoughts go immediately to the boy who just left me.

Why was I act timid around him now? This was not the case before. Why am I always so confused? Why do I have so many questions?

Confused | Taemin X Reader | SHINee Fanfic| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now