Real or not?

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"Y/N, everything else was real. Everything between us is real. None of it was an act." Taemin quickly says and walk towards me.

"I really love you." He says and holds my chin. He pulls me towards him and kisses me.

I don't want to respond but my body doesn't listen to me and melts into the kiss.

I don't want to believe him either. He is a guy for lord's sake. How can I trust him? But I love the person called Taemin and that's him, isn't it?

"Wooaaaahhhhh." We hear exited shouts behind Taemin. We look at the four boys squealing and shouting.

"Boys, calm down. I am trying to win over my love." Taemin says. I can't help but smile at that statement.

I blush deeply as Taemin turns back to me and kisses me. "I love you, Y/N." He whispers in between.

"I love you too, Taemin." I say back as we melt into the deep passionate kiss.

We break the kiss and lock our vision on each other. I feel like he is being genuine.

"But why did you do this?" I ask him. What could the reason be? I have no idea.

"Remember how Mina said she was bullied at her previous school?" Taemin begins.

I nod. The boys behind him, pay close attention to him.

"Because of her fear of that happening again, she said she would only come to our school if I came with her." Taemin says. He is slightly red and looking down.

"That's why you dressed up as a girl and went to a girls school?" Jonghyun asks.

Taemin turns around and says, "Yes. I didn't know what else to do. And I don't regret it. I would have never met Y/N if I hadn't come."

I can feel my cheeks burning up and I look at him.

"Well, you look pretty as a girl." Minho says. I immediately go into overprotective mode.

I intertwine my fingers with Taemin's and pull him towards me.

The four others laugh. "Don't worry, we aren't going to steal him away." Onew says.

"How do you know each other?" I ask them.

"We have been best friends almost our entire life, that is till he moved away earlier this year." Key says, smiling at me.

"Look at the time. The break must be over by now." Jonghyun says, looking at his watch.

"Let's go quickly." Onew says. Everyone agrees and we start walking towards the auditorium.

The boys walk ahead and catch up on each other's lives. I walk behind trying to take in what happened just a few minutes ago.

Should I trust him? Will I still feel the same way about him? Will everything change between us?

It shouldn't though, right? He is still Taemin, the person I fell in love with.

I wish my attitude towards him doesn't change. I really like him.

Can you guys help me with something??? Please tell me if you like the story. Seriously, when you comment and vote, it really makes my day.

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