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I smile to myself as I skip to the theatre in my still slightly messed up uniform.

I reach there and read the script again as the rest of the cast waits for Taemin.

She, I mean he, comes soon and we get to the rehearsal. I act like nothing happened and it was clearly bugging Taemin. I was enjoying this. He has changed into a thick black knee length skirt.

After the practice, I head to the back room to check on the clothes. One by one, everyone leaves for their own business.

As my hands grab  Taemin's outfit, I feel someone behind me. I turn around and come face to face with Taemin.

I take a step back in shock. "Woah! You scared me." I say smiling.

"That's what I was trying to do." He says leaning forward.

Dang! Here? Uhm, maybe it will be fun? But, Taemin just reaches for his costume and takes it from me and moves away. I stand there awkwardly like a fool.

Aish! My expectations! I hate (not really) you, Lee Taemin.

I quickly regain my composure and run my hands through my hair. "I am going. See you!" I say quickly and walk out.

I rush to the room and close the door. Well, what next?

What was even happening between us? I really don't know what to do or say or ......

I flop on my bed and go under the covers. I snuggle against my soft blanket and close my eyes.

I just want to shut out the world for a second and collect my lost self. For some reason, unknown to me, I feel kinda dead inside.

Well, I was acting fine on the outside but inside, I feel like I am falling down a dark endless hole.

I feel like everything around me was crumbling and falling me. I felt responsible for all this.

I pull the blanket over my head, my head was starting to pound in a slightly painful manner.

I let the sleep take over my weak body. My knees hurt and my back felt worse. Every single problem just rushes to my head.

I shake my head and dose off.



The dark shadow on top of me just scoffs and continues.

"Y/N, be a good girl and keep quiet. Help me this time!" He mocks me and laughs at my pathetic little figure.

"Please Jake, don't do this." I beg as hot tears stream down the side of my face to the pillow below my head.

He doesn't listen and continues. "Y/N ......... Y/N ......" wait, that isn't his voice.

I jolt up from my nightmare and sit straight in a swift movement. My head smashes against something hard.

I open my eyes and see Taemin rubbing his forehead. He was dressed in the uniform and standing next to my bed. He stands straight and closes his eyes.

It takes a moment for me to understand what happened was just a nightmare.

"I am so sorry." I say quickly but Taemin shakes his head. "It's Ok."

He sits down beside me and grab my shoulders. "Are you okay? You were screaming and you are burning up." He places his hand on my forehead and looks at me with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah. Just a nightmare. Do I have fever?" I place my hand on my neck.

"Anyway, I called the warden and nurse. They will be here any second." He says.

A knock is heard at the exact moment and Taemin swiftly runs to the door and opens it.

The nurse, a kind woman in her mid fifties walks towards me and sits on the bed.

"I have to go for the dance rehearsal. I'll be back to check on you." Taemin says and heads out the door with a wave and a warm smile.

I wave back and return my attention to the nurse.

"Don't worry. It can't be too bad." She smiles. I return her beautiful and infectious smile and she examines me.

She gives me a few medicines and tells me it's just a normal fever. She asks me to rest for the next two days and heads out the door.

I take the medicines and go back to sleep. A long and plain void of a nap.

Do you like it when I put songs along with the chapter?

Do you listen to them? I really think it would be fun to listen to those songs while reading the respective chapters.

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I love you so so so much. A million hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

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