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I raise my head and look at his sad face. I felt bad for making him feel this way.

I stand on my tip toe and put my hands around his neck. "I am sorry." I whisper before kissing his lips lightly.

"I really am. I will make sure that you never feel that way again." I whisper hugging him tightly. He places his hands on my waist and hugs me back.

He kisses me once again. "I love you." He whispers. I close my eyes and run my hands through his hair.

I place my forehead against his as I land back on my heels. "I love you too." I whisper.

I can feel my eyes becoming wet with warm tears. I blink them away and smile at him.

"Let's get ready now. We will be late." I say pulling his towards the dressing table.

I take out my precious small makeup bag and place it on the table.

"Do you want to wear makeup?" I ask, giggling, as I put on some eyeliner.

"How do you think I'll look?" He looks at the mirror and poses like a model.

"Absolutely beautiful. You will look better than all the girls there." I smile at him. I put on some red lip stick to match my red top.

"Then, I NEED your expertise on the field." He smiles and back hugs me.

"How can I deny you, Lee Taemin?" I make him sit down and say, "I am actually not that good. I only know how to put eyeliner, mascara and lipstick." I laugh as I put on some lipstick.

"Well, that should be good enough, considering the fact that you fell for me without anything except MY NATURAL BEAUTY." He acts like a basic model wannabe girl.

I bust out laughing. I control myself and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I do eyeshadow look on him as well.

He looks absolutely gorgeous. I really can't believe he is human.

(Hair is blond and slightly long

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(Hair is blond and slightly long. I just wanted you to know what his makeup looks like. Red shirt, by the way. Sorry, my kinks are just getting in the way. 🙃)

I smile at my love. I can't believe I am lucky enough to have met him.

"Now, move. Let mommy finish getting ready." I push him away.

"Oh so you have a mommy kink?" He lifts his eyebrows and gives me a judging look.

"Eww. No. No. No." I playfully punch him. "You and your dirty mind."

I continue doing my hair as he combs his. I comb mine and let it out free.

I look at the mirror and smile, satisfied with how I look. Especially my hair, maybe I should do this more often. I look good with my hair out.

"Ready to go?" I ask him adjusting my hair. I look at him. He nods. I intertwine my fingers with his and drag him out and lock the door.

I gesture him to be quiet and we tip toe to the roof of the building. I giggle as we reach the roof.

There were people walking and talking all around us. The table to the side had lots of tasty snacks and drinks lined up.

I leave his hand. "Even if you are the hottest person alive, I would still like that cookie more than you." I say in his ear and smirk.

I walk towards the table and Taemin run to catch up with me. "And the same applies to you, Ms.Y/N." He says.

We laugh at our childish attitude and take our favourite snacks in small amounts on a paper plate.

"So ... what do you do at such parties?" He asks taking a bite of his grilled cheese sandwich as we walk to a lonely corner.

"First of all eat." I say and he laughs. "Second talking, that's pretty boring. Third, dance. The best part in my opinion after the food." I say as I stuff my mouth with my sandwich.

"Sounds good. So, when does the third part start?" He asks.

"Depends. I hope soon." I say. I look around at the party.

The roof was dimly lit with fairy lights and the girls around the place were looking our way once in a while, probably at Taemin since they had never really seen him like this.

I feel a little jealous but what's the use. I continue stuffing my mouth. After a while the music plays.

It isn't very loud, since we don't want to be caught, but it is loud enough to be enjoyed.

I put my empty paper plate in the waste basket and I hold Taemin's hand. "Dance with me?" I look at him with puppy eyes.

"Sure." He smiles and we walk towards the swaying crowd and join them.

I move around like I want and away with the music. It's fun to let go. I put my hands around Taemin but then the stares from the crowd make me retract.

Our little secret, wasn't it? I giggle at the thought. I seem to be getting drunk with the atmosphere. That's not good since without control, don't even ask me what I would do.

After an whole hour of fooling around, we decide to go back to our room.

We tip toe back after talking to a few classmates. I was so much fun.

Confused | Taemin X Reader | SHINee Fanfic| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now