Midnight (almost) kiss

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"Taemin, I'll be back soon." I wink at her and get out of our room leaving her confused with a smiling Mina.

I head over to the garden shed and check the decorations at the corner we usually go to. I got them on yesterday, soon after the exams.

I look around with a happy smile. This will make her happy.

I head back to the room and all three of us sit there joking and talking till curfew.

We change to our pyjamas and get into bed after sending Mina to her dorm. I set the alarm for eleven o'clock and keep it near me.

I smile at her sleeping figure and my mind clouds up with thoughts about her.

Why couldn't I just understand my feelings towards her? Is it love? Why am I like this?

Why do I want hold her in my arms? Hold her there forever? Give her the moon if she wishes for it? Why me?

What if I tell her? Will she still stay by my side? Will she understand my feelings? Will I scare her away?

I don't want that. I want her with me forever. I want to be there for her. Make her happy. Treasure her.

My alarm rings loudly, piercing through the quiet night air. I get up and off it.

I slowly walk to Taemin to see her stir in her sleep. "Taemin ...." I call her name softly as I try to wake her.

"Hhhh." Taemin slowly wakes up and sits up.

"Will you come with me somewhere? I want to show you something." I smile at her.

She nods sleepily and gets up. I hold her hand and we sneak out to the garden shed.

Her eyes go wide and twinkle as she sees the decorations. "Wow ...."

"Taemin, I want to thank you for being such a great friend to me. I don't know how I can live without you anymore. Thank you!" I say looking at the ground. I can feel a blush creeping up my cheeks.

She smiles at me and hugs me. "Aish! Stop with all this cheesiness. I get it. I am fabulous." She laughs.

"Yes. You are." I laugh too. I break the embrace and take her to the ladder.

"Climb up with me. The night sky looks spectacular from the roof." I say as I climb up the ladder.

We both reach the roof, open the trap door and get on the roof. We sit here and watch the night sky studded with stars.

"The view is so beautiful." Taemin sits in awe as she watches the sky.

"Yes, it is." I reply in a whisper letting my eyes take in the beautiful sight of her, veiled by the light of the stars.

We sit here for about half an hour. Then we get down and walk in silence to our door.

We sneak in and get into our beds. "Thank you for that." Taemin says one last time before falling asleep.

The next month goes by in a jiffy in preparation for the drama and exams and classes.

We have finished learning the play. The kiss scene was changed a long so we don't have to actually kiss. It just seems that way.

After our first full rehearsal, we are sitting in the theatre.

"Kids, your costumes are here." Our teacher shouts at the thirty member crew.

We start giggling and shouting happily as we run to the back room.

The costumes are hanging on the racks. We take our outfit.

"Can we try it on?" A bunch of us ask our teacher. She nods while smiling at our excited faces.

We dress up one by one. I get ready first. My outfit is absolutely gorgeous.


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"Wow. You look beautiful." Taemin says. I notice that she is blushing. That causes me to blush too. I push her into the changing room.

"Come our fast. Okay?" I shout as I close the door.

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She walks out and poses

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She walks out and poses. She looks exactly like a man. Like some fantasy art painting, she stands in front of me.

My breath hitches as I see her in a completely different.

In front of me was a very handsome man, who takes my breath away and ignites a fire in me.

I stand there gaping at her. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME LEE TAEMIN???

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