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We sneak in without anyone noticing and rush to our places.

It's dance lessons now so everyone is standing to either sides of the hall. The teacher asks us to join other partners.

I search around the room till I finally find Jonghyun. I smile warmly at him as we bow to each other before taking our initial positions.

"Good afternoon, my dear lady." Jonghyun says earning a giggle from me.

"Good afternoon to you too, dear sir." I say before the teacher hushes the whole auditorium.

The blank white screen is now showing a slow motion video of how we are supposed to dance.

"That looks hard." I whisper as the teacher pauses the video.

"Don't worry. Just follow my lead." Jonghyun smiles at me and tightens his grip on my waist. I return his smile and we begin.

Well, not to mention, I seem to possess two left feet. I step on his foot almost immediately.

"I am so sorry." I quickly say. He shakes his head and says it's okay.

"We'll take it slow." He says and we try again. He guides me smoothly along and I don't step on him again.

Even though it's not perfect, I did a pretty good job at the end of the three hour practice.

"Thank you so much Jonghyun!" I hug him as we exit the auditorium to head back to our school. "I'll see you tomorrow at my school." I wave at him as I walk towards the bus.

He waves back enthusiastically and smiles. He is really one of the best people I have ever met.

Woah! I bump into a hard chest. I look forward to see Taemin, looking at me, a hint of anger in his eyes.

"Done being his girlfriend? Let's go!" He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the bus. His grip hurt me but I kept quiet.

He pushes me towards the seat and silently sits down next to me. Why on earth was he acting so jealous?

To be honest, it's really childish of him. He has no need to be so jealous.

"Taemin, don't forget about the drama practice." I remind him as I continue to look out at the scenery.

Taemin doesn't respond and continues to ignore me well through out the ride.

He quickly gets up and walks quickly towards our room as soon as the bus halts at our school.

I take my sweet time and go to Mina. He could get mad all he wants, I am not going to go after him.

"Hey Mina, how were classes?" I ask her as I enter her dorm.

"It was boring as always, Unnie. You are so lucky, you get to go meet guys. Did you meet any cute guys?" She ask excitedly as rolls her wheelchair over towards her comman room.

I follow her. "Yeah. Quite a few." I say with a laugh. "Your brother included."

"What do you mean by that?" She asks coming to halt. The colour of her face drains away.

"Don't worry, Mina. He told me." I laugh and pat her head.

"And you're okay with it?" She asks, pretty confused about the situation.

"Your brother isn't very good at acting like a girl." I whisper. She starts laughing and I join her.

We reach the common room to find a few of her friends gathered around the table, playing some games.

"Mina, go join them! I have to go for practice. Bye!" I tell her.

"Bye Unnie!" She says cheerfully as she strolls over to her friends.

I run to my room and try to open the door. But it's locked from inside so I can't open it.

I knock on the door. "Taemin, let me in!" I shout.

The lock clicks the door swings open. I step in and am immediately pressed against the door.

Taemin closes the door and locks it and pushes me against the door. He looks deep into my eyes. "What took you so long?" His hair and skin is wet from a recent shower.

"I was with Mina." I reply. "Stop pushing me against walls so much. My back hurts. The bed is much more comfortable." I smirk.

But my smirk almost immediately disappears as I notice what he is wearing.

He is wearing a red shirt with the sleeve folded up to three fourths and it was unbuttoned, completely. I gulp as I take in the scene.

Wet hair combined with a wet well built torso in a red shirt which sticks to the person's body is a dangerous combination. When the tight black pants Taemin is wearing are included, my hormonal balance is no longer maintained.

I take a deep breath to calm my raging insides. This is going to be a long talk.

Confused | Taemin X Reader | SHINee Fanfic| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now