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I get up after a long time and sit up and prop up my legs to cover my chest. My skirt slides down revealing my stockinged legs.

I stare blankly at the dark room. Time had passed quickly as I sat here. It was already night time.

I hear a faint voice calling my name. "Y/N.... are you here?" A sweet voice asks the darkness of the room.

I say nothing as my throat is dry from crying so much. I just look towards the voice as the owner of the honey like voice walks into the view.

Even though I can only see her silhouette in the darkness, I have no doubt as to who it is.

"Y/N! Oh, you're here." She cries as she runs towards me and hugs my folded figure.

"I was so worried. It's already twelve o'clock at night. Why are you sitting here?" She asks quickly as she tries to get a clear view of me.

She gets up and walks towards the light switch and suddenly bright lights flood the room.

I close my eyes due to the sudden brightness. I hear a gasp from the direction of Taemin.

I slowly open my eyes and try to look at her. Her face is extremely controlled and she is biting her lower lip.

She gulps and slowly walks towards me. She lips are extremely red due to extreme biting.

She reaches in front of me and grabs me and closes her eyes to take a deep breath.

"Y/N, can you sit properly?" She asks. I give her an innocent curious expression.

"I can see everything." She keeps her hand on on propped up knees and looks into my eyes.

"And it affects you?" I ask her innocently. "Huh?"

Taemin nods softly and once again bites her already swollen lips.

"Why? Isn't it a joke?" I ask her, leaning towards her. I grab the top button of my shirt and play with it for a little time. Taemin's eyes look at them, a hungry look in her eyes.

I unbutton them and look at her for the response. I feel a small joy in my heart as she gulps and her eyes drag over the newly exposed skin.

I unbutton the next and then the next. I don't move my eyes from her. She responds exactly how I expect her to.

She starts sweating and her eyes can't move away from my exposed skin. Her breath is uneven and she looks like she is trying to stay in control.

I kneel up and reach her level. "This affects you?" I ask her hopefully. She kneels as well and nods softly.

A ghost of a smile appears on my lips. I lean forward and I am stopped right before my lips touch hers.

She grabs my shoulders and stops me. "Don't do this. You will regret it." She says as she looks me in the eyes.

She hands grab my third button and close them. She buttons the buttons one by one and she hands linger near my chest but move away.

"You're not just your body." She whispers angrily and lifts me up my shoulders and makes me stand.

"Why did you do that?" She asks me and moves closer. "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" I ask, unable to hide the disappointment in my voice.

"Use your body as a bait to get someone. That's not what people love you for. Your body is just a part of you. It's not everything." She says angrily.

Confused | Taemin X Reader | SHINee Fanfic| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now