Give me to you

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I run my hands through her hair and press her more against my skin.

"Taemin..." I moan as she moves further down and unbuttons one more. This time my bra is visible and she eyes linger on my cleavage for a while before she kisses the middle and leaves me wanting for more.

I moan as her lips trace the skin there. The skin her lips touch seem to be on fire. Suddenly we hear a knock on the door.

We blush deeply and quickly get up. I button up my shirt and straighten my hair. We quickly walk towards the door and open it to see one of my classmates.

"Hey, Y/N! You're Taemin, right?" She says as she smiles at us. "Mind if I use the room for practice?" She walls in as we nod.

"What were you guys doing?" She asks as she walks towards the piano.

"We were ... Uhm.... doing our drama. All the other rooms were noisy." I quickly reply.

We give her polite smile and we bid farewell. We walk to our room and our hands keep brushing against each other. Finally, Taemin grabs my hand and holds it securely.

I smile at the floor as we walk to our room. We did quite a few things in the music room. As I think of them, I redden and want to do them again.

As we get to the room, Taemin immediately slams the door close, locks it and pushes me against the bed.

The back of my knees hits the back of the bed and I fall back on the soft material. Taemin gets on top of me and hovers over my body as she unbuttons my shirt again.

She pushes it off after completely unbuttoning it and her lips move down. I feel amazing. This is too heavenly. I close my eyes.

But, suddenly I feel like Jake is touching me. I feel his lips on my upper chest and his rough hold on my arms.

I push him off and open my eyes. I abruptly sit up and cover my chest. I breathe heavily as tears start flowing down my cheeks.

I look towards him but instead I see a surprised Taemin looking at me with worried eyes. "Are you okay?" She asks, sitting up.

She wipes the tears away and kiss both my cheeks. "Was I too rough? I am sorry." She says, looking at me apologetically.

I am shaking like a leaf. I look at her warm expression and hug her tightly. I bury my head in the crook of her neck. My tears wet her skin.

She hugs me back and pats my head. She caresses my cheek as I lift up my head a little.

"Please, just let me be. I am sorry. I just can't, I am sorry." I say between my sobs. I hug her tighter.

"Don't be sorry. It's okay. Don't force yourself to do anything." She says as she pats my back and makes me lift my head higher.

"Do you want to talk about anything? You look like you want to." She says as she wipes away my tears.

I shake my head vigorously. I go back to hugging her.

I can't tell her. She will leave me. I just got her. She will not like me anymore. I can't let her go now.

But, if I am going to give myself to her, I must tell her. But, I just can't right now.

Her touch and kiss were very masculine, thus reminding me of Jake. His horrifying touch haunts me.

Every time I am reminded of Jake, I am reminded of how much he used me. I remember how every time we were alone, which was a lot as mom and dad were very busy with their work, he creeped into my room.

How every time I would try to stop him but without any avail as he was much stronger than me.

I just couldn't let that happen again. I want to give myself to Taemin but I can't do it while Jake's nightmares haunt me.

Confused | Taemin X Reader | SHINee Fanfic| COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now