Chapter 29

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It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live....

-Marcus Aurelius

Time stopped. Everything went in slow motion. Nobody dared to open there eyes to find a sudden fear of loosing someone loved, or to be loved.

Gasp were heard through the air. Sobs coming from peoples mouths.

"WOOZI!" Yoongi cried running towards his younger brother.

Woozi was only 8 years old. He barley lived his life. This could be the end of his.

"W-Woozi!" Yoongi said holding his brother in his hands.

Blood pouring out of him, and his eyes closed. He was so peaceful.

Everyone stared in shock. They all looked over for Kyung but he was gone.

"CALL THE DAMN AMBULANCE!" Yoongi shouted at the top of his lungs.

Jin reached for his phone and dialed 911.

"W-Woozi don't die I'm not a-allowing it please don't die. You a-are the o-only one I have l-left an-." Yoongi couldn't finish because all he could  do was cry.

Namjoon ran over to his side to try and stop the blood from coming out of the child. He took of his jacket and put it on the fresh wound.

Jungkook was in the corner with Jimin. Jimin wanted to be with Yoongi. But he didn't know what he could do. They couldn't so anything. Any of them. All they could do was wait.
4 minutes later the ambulance were there. The police showed up as well.

They took Woozi away and Yoongi went with him to the hospital. The police team asked the boys what happened.

"Officer. You have to find him. His name is Min Kyung Hoon and he shot his own son!" Jin said hanging onto Namjoons arm.

The police wrote down what Jin said and asked for a description of his face. While the other policemen picked up clues of evidence.

"J-Jungkook, h-he's o-okay right?" Jimin asked leading for hope.

Jungkook didn't say anything. He just looked at his friend dead in the eyes looking for the same thing.

The ambulance and police team left. The boys went into the car to go to hospital. All they wanted was for Woozi to be okay and;

Kyung to be dead
Yoongi was in the waiting room when everyone got there.

Jimin ran into Yoongis arms just wanted to feel his embrace. Hoseok was soon to hug him after. And so did everyone else.

"What did the doctor say?" Hoseok asked sitting down.

"He said he doesn't know anything yet. There going to hook him up and take out the wound and hopefully we pray he wakes up." Yoongi said.

"I'm so so so sorry Yoongi, you deserve none of this." Taehyung said.

Yoongi just nodded and cuddled but next to Jimin.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked Jimin.

Jimin just smiled because he was still caring for him after his brother got shot.

"I'm fine thank you."

"I'm so sorry I hit you. I just can't stand people hurting you. Especially my father. He will pay because I lo-." Yoongi got cut off by a doctor.

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