Chapter 38

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Yoongi P.O.V

The smell of a hospital makes me sick. It smells like old metallic. It hurts my head and it makes me nerves go up more.

I'm waiting in the waiting room to get results for Jimin. I'm so damn tired of the hospital.

I'm freaking out my brother is lost somewhere and my boyfriend got hit by a car, by my father! I'm really going to lose it soon.

"Park Jimin?"

A doctor says. I look up and walk over to him.


"Ah, Mr.Park suffered minor injuries. It seems as the hitter knew what they were doing and didn't want to kill him, but wanted him to be hurt. He is awake and knows his surroundings. His case is under investigation, and you may see him now."

So my dad didn't try to kill him.

I nod at the doctor and thank him before making my way to Jimins room.



I run to Jimins side kissing his forehead and whispered sweet nothing into his ear.

"I'm so fucking sorry." I say caressing his cheek.

"Yoongi you didn't know anything." He said.

"Jimin! I should've listened! A-and my brother is somewhere with my father and I don't know what to do!"

I broke down. I thought my life was finally complete. I had the love of my life I was happy but my father had to fuck it up.

"Call Jungkook and find your brother." Jimin says rubbing my tears away.

"N-No I don't want to leave you."

"Yoongi no! Go and get your brother. I'm fine the doctor told you I'm fine I am not going to get hurt in a hospital. Just call Kookie and and he will stay with me."

I sigh in defeat and nod.

"I love you." I say before I give him a sweet kiss.

"I love you too." He says when we break from our kiss.

I peck his lips one more time before leaving the room.

I'm going to find that son of a bitch.
3rd P.O.V

Right now Yoongi was speeding down the road to find his brother. He was looking at find my iPhone for the location.

He sped down the high way not giving a crap. He was worried about Jimin still but still has his brother in his mind.

Yoongi pulls us to a ware house. It's old and run down and he was sure nobody has been there for years.

He walks up to a window to see his brother crying on a couch.

"Woozi." He whispers.

He walks his way up to the entrance and kicks the door open.

"Kyung." He growls

"Yoongi." His father says back.

"Y-Yoongi!" Woozi yells.

He's ready to run to his brother but lying stops him.

"Go anywhere near him and I'll shoot him. Your choice." Kyung says.

"Shoot your own kid? For what? What is any of this going to lead you? To Jail well of course. But why are you putting your family in danger- the love of my life in danger!?" Yoongi yells.

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