OK, not going to apologize for my absence at the beginning of the chapter because I would rather not keep you from reading it first. If you want my apology, go to the end of the chapter. Otherwise, Enjoy!
Kirito's POV:
Kirito and the other players were riding full speed across the desert sands towards the Swordsman's city. Of all the things that Kirito thought might happen in SAO, this was not one of them. He and the other players were each riding a tamed giant scorpion. Kirito thought back to last evening when they had discovered that raiders hit the village.
(Flashback to last evening)
"John." One of the NPCs said coming up to John. "They've taken everyone. All the women, and the children too."
"Even..." John said, not finishing his statement.
"Yes John, even Angela and Edith. Everyone wants to know what you want to do."
"Understood. Tell everyone to gather in the dining hall. I'll address them there."
The NPC nodded and ran off to alert everyone.
John heaved a sigh before turning back to Kirito, who despite all his friends had told him, was still weeping.
"Look Kirito." John said to him. "You can sit there still sulking and let them take Asuna farther and farther away from you, or you can go after her. You have the chance to do something I couldn't when they took my wife. I didn't want to leave her to them, but I couldn't bring myself to leave because of my responsibilities and because of my cowardice. You on the other hand, seem to be among the bravest men I'v ever met. So get up, stop weeping, and go save your wife."
Kirito looked up at John, his eyes clearing of tears as he stood up. "Your right John. That you've had to tell me twice is proof I need work."
"Don't sweat it kid. Now, you know what I showed you earlier. Get your boys together and go get those raiders for me."
Kirito headed to go find the other players.
"Oh, and Kirito?"
Kirito stopped and turned around.
"If you by chance see my wife there, tell her I love her."
Kirito smiled and said, "I'll do better than that. When I see her, I will be sure to bring her back to you."
Kirito went towards the building that John had shown him earlier. "This is going to be interesting." Kirito thought to himself.
(End of Flashback)
As Kirito and the other players all rode towards the city, Kirito knew that no matter what they faced when they got there, he would bring Asuna and the others back.
Asuna's POV:
Asuna had lain over the back of the horse behind the the lead raider for most of the day. There had been one stop at noon for a drink and to wait out the midday heat, but they had quickly started up again after Liz and Silica had tried to escape and got caught. Now it was nearly dark out, and the raiders seemed to be nowhere near their destination as of yet. Suddenly she felt a shift in the mount beneath her.
"Alright everyone." The leader cried out, stopping and turning around on his horse to face the raiders. "Once we reach camp, I want you to make sure that your prisoner is secure. Anyone who can't guarantee that their prisoner is locked up, doesn't get dinner. Understood?"
The raiders all replied yes, then they all rode over the hill and into the camp which was on the other side. Asuna was taken off the horse and was being led to where the other prisoners were when the leader called out. "Not her, take her to my tent. I have a question for her."

Unending - a Sword Art Online Fanfic (being rewritten)
FanfictionI have recently decided that this story is going to rewritten. The writing is frankly poor and the story is badly paced, so I am going to redo it and make it much better, though this will take a long time. I will keep you posted!! thanks all. What i...