Chapter 12: Overthrown

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So... You guys are starting to ask questions. Great, thank you. I love when you guys leave comments. It helps me to feel engaged with my audience. Also, thank you for those of you who have been reading this book. I will try to make sure you don't wait long between chapters. School is winding down for the year, so if all goes like I think it will, then a chapter or two a day will become the norm. If you've been enjoying this book, or have a chapter you really like, why not leave a vote for it. I really appreciate it. Gonna stop talking now, have fun guys, Enjoy!

Azemar's POV:

Azemar had fled to reassess the situation. He made his way through the palace to his room, grabbing his sword from where it rested against the wall. He turned to walk out until he passed a small wooden chest. He stopped, and sighed. Then he turned to the chest, opened it, and took out two small bottles full of liquid. He put them in his pocket and ran out of the room. He stopped at the armory next, calling for the armorer to help him into his personal armor.

 He stopped at the armory next, calling for the armorer to help him into his personal armor

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He didn't expect his guards to be able to take care of Kirito or the others. So he would go out there and finish them himself. And if worse came to worse, he could use what was in the bottles to help him escape.

"Servant!" He yelled.

"Yes your majesty?" A females voice replied. Out of the shadows hiding in the corner of the room was a young women in rather provocative clothing. She dressed like a servant, but the neckline plunged dangerously low, showing the tops of her breasts, and the dress had a hard to see slit on the side that would allow for a sudden reveal if desired. The woman had her wavy brown hair pulled back into a messy ponytail.

Azemar stared at her a moment, zoning out, but then shook his head and addressed her again. "Servant, I want you to go and prepare my personal caravan for departer."

"You leaving us in the middle of a rebellion my king?" She asked.

"Never you mind. Just bring the caravan to the courtyard and make sure it is supplied with food, water, and any other essentials needed for long term travel." He turned and walked out, not waiting to see if she obeyed.

"As you wish, your majesty." The woman said aloud. She then stepped backwards into the shadows, disappearing completely.

Kirito's POV:

There seemed to be no end to the guards that poured through the different gateways to the arena. Kirito swung his swords back and forth in devastating combos that sliced guard after guard in half. He looked over his shoulder just in time to see Asuna pierce a guard through the neck. Bodies were falling everywhere. Kirito knew that they couldn't last forever. There was no way. They would take many of the guards with them, but in the end numbers would win.

Suddenly the guards stopped coming through. Instead, people with pitchforks, blacksmith hammers, and all manner of tools charged into the unsuspecting backs of the guards. Kirito smiled. Now they had a good chance. He threw himself back into the fight with renewed vigor.

Asuna's POV:

Asuna saw the crowd of NPCs holding everyday tools and objects charging into combat. She didn't know why they were suddenly helping her now, but she suspected it had something to do with King Azemar's absence. Nevertheless, she was glad for the help. She saw Kirito charge into a new group of guards and felt her strength renewed. She charged forward as well, slicing and hacking her way to him. "We will win." She thought to herself. "We will."


Eventually, whatever was left of the guards had surrendered. They had dropped their weapons and knelt down before Asuna and the others. Everyone seemed to be waiting for her to say something. "What?" She asked. "Why is everyone looking at me?"

"Because your the queen." Said one of the guards. "And by fair means or foul, you were chosen. Therefore, it is up to you what is done with us."

Asuna looked around and saw heads all nodding in agreement. Even Kirito gestured in approval.

"Very well. What's your name?" Asuna asked, kneeling in front of the guard.

"Katega." The guard replied.

"Alright Katega. And what do you do?"

He looked at her in confusion before answering, "I run a small market stall in the city square. I took the position of guard to provide extra income for my wife and two kids."

"And do you love your family?" Asuna asked.

"Yes. They're everything to me. I wouldn't have taken the job if I could've avoided it"

Asuna stood up and looked over the other guards. "Do all of you have similar stories?" She saw heads nodding everywhere. "Very well. As you are all nice people who seem to simply have been pulled into things you didn't want to be included in, I will grant you mercy. Leave your armor here, and go home to your families."

"Thank you! Thank You!" Katega cried out. He bowed his head low before her then tossed his armor away and ran off to find his family. The other guards followed suit. Soon there was only Asuna, Kirito, their friends and allies, and the elder from the ceremony that morning.

"You know..." The elder said. "While the circumstances of your crowning were horrible, as well as your king, you, the queen, are not. I daresay that all within the city will swear allegiance to you if you asked them to."

"While it is kind of you to say, I'm not worthy." She bowed to him. "I will let you pick someone to take my place. I have a home to return to, and a husband." She glanced at Kirito.

The elder smiled. "I understand. I suspected something was going on, but I didn't know for sure until now. Thank you for your help." He said. Bowing low. "If nothing else, for a short time at least, you were queen of the Endless Wastes. Go with our gratitude and best wishes."

Asuna nodded before turning to Kirito. "You ready?"

Kirito nodded. "We're all here. Let's go home."

Kirito, Asuna, and what was left of the SAO players made there way to one of the town squares that Kirito had seen on his way to rescue her. In the center was a platform that looked like those found in the lower levels.

"There it is, our way home." Asuna said excitedly.

"Oh, so you think you are going to just waltz out of here, my bride?" Came a sinister voice. Asuna turned around, there was Azemar, looking half crazed or something, his hair sticking out at weird angles and his eyes wide as saucers, but not in fear. He was clad in armor, and was carrying a helmet in one hand.

"You married me Asuna. You don't just get to leave because your previous lover came back. You are bound to me now."

"No." Asuna said. "You did something to me. I didn't do it of my free will."

"But you did it nonetheless. You said the words "I do," didn't you?"

Asuna stared at him.

"I don't think you get it." Kirito said. She willingly married me, and was forced to marry you. I think it's obvious who is actually married to her, and who is a false husband."

"Your right." Azemar said, chuckling evilly. "It's you!" Azemar put his helmet on casually, then suddenly drew his sword and charged Kirito.

"DIE!!!!!" He screamed.

You all ready for the conclusion to this part 1. I think that that is what I will be going with. There will be more, don't worry. Also, just thought I would throw this in there, the pics aren't mine. I just found them on the internet. So all rights to their respective owners and all that. Other than that, Hope you all have been enjoying this fanfic so far, and until next time... BYE!!!

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