Chapter 27: The Worst Possible Day of my Life

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And we're back. You ready, 'cause I am. So here we go...

Akari's POV:

Today had been the worst possible day of Akari's life. The moment dad had introduced himself to the class, they all freaked out. All the girls, not including herself and Utsumi, began blushing as fantasies of themselves married to the Black Swordsman went through their heads. All the boys cheered, telling each other about the ladies they would impress when they had learned the Black Swordsman's secret moves. Even the rich kids were excited, ready to learn from such a respected and skilled warrior. One can imagine everyone else's surprise when Kirito told them that she was his daughter and to take good care of her, and her embarrassment. The class, with the exception of her friends, all swarmed around her and all began talking to her at once. It was a nightmare, boys swearing their lives to protect her from any and all dangers, girls asking what her father was like, and generally questions and comments she didn't want to hear or answer.

"Alright class. Leave Akari alone and let's get stated." The class quickly shot back to their seats. "Good. Now who can tell me..."


That night when she and her dad got home, she quickly ran to her room in the loft and sobbed. "How could her he ruin her life like that. Now they would all most likely be nice to her just to get in good graces with her dad. She didn't want that. She didn't want fake friends who just hung out with her for a chance to curry favor with her father. She had just wanted to make more friends her age, true friends." Akari continued to cry, tears streaming down her face.

"Are you alright hunny?" Said a female voice.

Akari looked up and saw her mother come over and sit down on her bed.

"Come on. Tell me what happened."

Akari sniffed and dried her tears. "Today was awful, it was..."


Asuna's POV:

Asuna came back down about thirty minutes later to see Kirito finishing up dinner and setting it on the table. He really had become a good cook in the years they had been together. She sat down next to him and took a bite of her food. "Delicious. Kirito must be almost as high a level as me now." She thought to herself. Itsuki looked like he was enjoying his dinner as well. Asuna looked over at her normally talkative son, who was stuffing his face with dinner.

"So... what was Akari upset about?" Kirito asked.

Asuna looked at him with a 'you know exactly why' face. "Take a wild guess. She isn't the most social person and having you for a father and me for a mother doesn't help very much with that because people treat her differently because of this. And then you just had to become the teacher for her class. Do you realize that she thought she might be able to make friends without the shadow of our success loaming over her, but then you brought it in with you? Now she will have the fun task of trying to pick true friends out from those who just want to get favor with us."

Kirito looked dumbfounded. "Uuuuh?"

Asuna sighed. "Kirito, you may be nearly thirty, but there are some days that you still think like you're a teenager."

Kirito shrugged. "I can't help it. I certainly don't look about thirty, much less twenty, and neither do you. We may as well still be teenagers for all intents with how we still look."

"Kirito, shut up and eat your dinner." Asuna said.

Kirito gulped and stopped talking.


Kirito's POV:

Later that night Akari came down and sat at the dinner table. By this time, everyone else had eaten, and Asuna was putting Itsuki to bed.

Kirito looked over at his daughter who was picking at her plate of food that had been left for her. "What am I going to do? I've really done it this time." Kirito came over and sat beside Akari.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked. Akari gave him a look that said 'are you really asking me that?' Kirito sweardropped awkwardly.

"Sorry, force of habit. Seriously though, what is wrong with me being your teacher, in all honesty?"

Akari looked at him. "What's wrong? What's wrong?" She suddenly jumped back from the table and screamed, "What's wrong is that I finally have a chance to go and be my own person in a place where you aren't and you find a way to follow me and still have jurisdiction over my life! What's wrong is that I now have to deal with you watching me over my shoulder everyday! What's wrong is that I won't know who is really my friend and who is simply bing nice because I'm your daughter and they all want to earn favor with you!"

Akari stood there facing Kirito, breathing heavily. Kirito sat there, looking deep in thought.

"I'm sorry." He said to her. Akari looked surprised. Kirito continued. "I'm sorry that I didn't take your feelings into consideration. I was just so excited when they offered me the job, and that I would get to see you everyday. I should've talked with you about it first."

Akari had tears in her eyes as she reached forward and hugged Kirito. "I'm sorry for yelling dad. Forgive me?"

Kirito hugged her back. "Always."


Akari's POV:

It had been a month since Akari and her dad had worked things out between them. Since then, everything had fallen into a routine of learning. She knew her dad was a good teacher, but she hadn't truly seen how good until she saw him teaching her class about survival in Aincrad. They had lessons on what monsters you find in certain levels, where to get rare items, weapons, and armor, he even took them out to some of the different levels on to show them where certain towns and cities were. And, of course, he showed them how to wield their weapons.

However, what Akari and her class weren't expecting, was what happened that morning.

"Alright class." Akari's dad said. "Time for a test."


And there we go. Another chapter complete. Hope you enjoyed it, I did. See you next time, Until then though... BYE!!!

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