Part 2: New Dangers and Surprises - Chapter 14: Strange Symptoms

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Well, we're back. This is part 2, and I am excited to bring you guys more. Get ready, we're starting in the deep end today.

Kirito's POV:

Kirito and Asuna had been back from their adventures in the endless wastes of level 76 for only six months, but it felt like a lifetime away. Both of them had been leveling up their skills and stats endlessly ever since.

"Kirito." Asuna called out to him.

Asuna's voice sounded like silver bells and heavenly choirs to him. Why, he didn't know, but she had grown ever more beautiful in his eyes over the past several months.

"What is it Asuna?" Kirito called back.

"I think we've cleared the level. Let's move on."

"Asuna. I think we're good for today. This is the third level of the morning. We ought to take a rest and just relax a little."

"Ok, of you say so."

Kirito and Asuna both headed to the 61st floor, where there was a festival happening today. They toured the stalls, buying various treats and mementos. After spending the rest of the day there, Kirito and Asuna both leaned on a balcony watching the moon rise over the horizon.

"You know." Kirito says. "I'll never get over how beautiful this place truly is."

"Neither will I." Replied Asuna. Suddenly, Asuna doubled over and threw up. Kirito quickly was at her side. After a minute, Asuna stands back up and smiles. I'm ok, something must've not agreed with me."

"Asuna." Kirito said worriedly. "Your not supposed to be sick in SAO. Something is wrong. Something is very wrong."


Kirito had taken Asuna home and put her to bed. He hoped that she would get better. But since this was something he had never seen before, he didn't know what else to do. He had tried to feed her some food when they got home, but she threw that up as well. Kirito was out of ideas. He decided that he would have to leave it till the morning, then, if she wasn't any better, then he would go find help.

Next morning...

Asuna's POV:

Kirito had gone to get help that morning. This left Asuna in the house by herself, wondering if she was going to die. She felt horrible. She hadn't kept down the breakfast Kirito had served her that morning either. What was wrong with her?

Asuna heard the door open. "Asuna." Came Kirito's voice. "I've brought Lizbeth and Silica. Maybe they can help you."

The door to the bedroom opened and Kirito came in followed by Liz and Silica.

"I'll leave you girls to talk." Kirito said, closing the door.

Liz immediately turned to Asuna with a grin on her face. Asuna felt herself sweatdrop.

"So... What have you and Kirito been up to that you're bedridden. You two getting rough in bed?"

"Liz!" Asuna said, embarrassed that she would bring that up. "I mean, we have been..." Silica and Liz gasp in surprise. Neither of them expected Asuna to admit to doing it with Kirito. "...but that isn't the reason why. I've been really sick since last night."

"Really? You ok?" Silica said, concerned for her friend.

"I'm better than last night, but I can't keep anything down, even though I'm famished."

Liz started pacing the room. Asuna and Silica talked for awhile, then Liz gasped.

"What?" Said Silica, getting up from the bed.

"I have an idea. Asuna, is there anything you can think of that sounds really super good right now? Like you have to have it."

Asuna thought for a moment. "Actually, would you call Kirito in here?"

"Sure." Liz said. "But why?"

"You'll see."

Liz called Kirito into the room.

"What's up?"

"Kirito." Asuna said. "Would you make up a platter of frog legs for me?"

Kirito looked at her like she lost her mind. "Are you sure? You didn't even want me to pick them up. They've just been sitting in my inventory all this time."

(Episode 12 of SAO. Watch it and you'll get the reference.)

"Kirito." Asuna said again, giving him a look.

Kirito nodded and left the room.

"What was the point of this?" Asuna asked, turning her head to face Liz.

"If you can keep the food down, then I will tell you my theory."

Asuna nodded hesitantly. "OK?"


Asuna ravenously devoured the platter of frog legs. She hadn't stopped eating since Kirito put the platter down in front of her. Now she took a napkin and wiped her mouth.

"Kirito, I didn't know you could actually cook." Liz said. "I've never seen Asuna eat so ravenously."

Kirito blushed and rubbed his head. "I didn't." He said. "I only burnt them in the frying pan and then threw them on a platter."

Liz got a mischievous smile on her face before turning to face Asuna.

"Asuna. I think I know what is wrong. But first, would you be willing to lift your shirt up a little?"

Asuna blushed. "Why?" She said, red-faced.

"Just do it." Liz replied stubbornly.

Asuna hesitantly lifted her shirt, and stared at her stomach. There was a very slight bump, not enough that it would be noticed through her outfit, but enough that it was obvious without.

"I knew it." Liz said.

"Knew what?" Kirito, Asuna, and Silica asked at the same time.

Liz smiled at them. "Why, I knew why Asuna has been sick and acting weird."

"Why is that?" Kirito asked.

Liz gave him a look. "Your telling me that you're so dense that you don't know."

Kirito looked at her, confused. Liz sighed. "Kirito, Asuna is expecting."

Kirito's eyes got wide as saucers, and Asuna's along with them.

"You don't mean..." Asuna said, not able to finish her sentence.

"I mean you're pregnant Asuna. You're with child. Congratulations"

Asuna and Kirito both stood shocked as Liz as Silica took their leave to give them some time to let it sink in.

Kirito turned to Asuna.

"Kirito?" Asuna said.

Kirito's face was blank, but then was split by the biggest smile Asuna had ever seen.

"Kirito..." Asuna started. But Kirito cut her off.

"Asuna, we're going to be parents." Kirito said excitedly.

Asuna's eyes widen when she heard his statement. She felt her face light up with joy.

Parents again. At long last, parents again.

OK, so I bet some of you saw this coming after a certain point in the chapter, but yeah. This is where I'm taking this. Hope you are excited to meet the new additions. Well, until next time then... BYE!!!

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