The plot thickens. Enjoy!
Kirito's POV:
Kirito and the other players were all waiting for Klein to give the signal. They had sent him down there to study the guard patrols and positions earlier that evening. Now it was almost midnight, and the players of SAO were growing anxious due to the long period of waiting.
Suddenly, Kirito saw a flash of light that looked like light reflected off a blade. The Signal! He and the others slipped down the hill silently, making there way through the perimeter and into the outermost tents. They searched for the slave tent and found it soon after. The prisoners kept quiet as they watched Kirito and the others slip in, but their eyes lit up as Agil and Klein began supervising the breaking of the chains. Kirito nodded to both of them before slipping from the tent and further into the enemy camp to look for Asuna. He searched the whole camp without finding her. Then he ducked into the last tent and found it full of clothes of all colors and sizes. A woman peeked out from behind a pile of them and asked, "Who are you?"
"My name is Kirito, I am here to rescue my wife Asuna. Have you seen her?"
The woman nodded her head. "She was taken in the caravan that stopped by earlier today. My guess is the swordsman fancies her. You really are her husband?"
Kirito nodded before showing his wedding ring. A smile split the woman's face. "She said you would come for her. I told her to forget about you, that you wouldn't come, but here you are."
"I will also get you away as well. Don't worry Ms. ..."
"Stone. Elena Stone."
"I know your husband." Kirito said.
Her face lit up. "Is he here?"
"No. I'm afraid not." Her face instantly fell. "But he wishes he could be, that is why he sent me." Her face lit up again somewhat.
"Can you tell me where the leader has his tent?" Kirito asked.
"Of course. Follow me." She motioned for him to follow her and walked out of the tent.
"How many of you are there? If I may ask?" Elena said as they proceeded towards Makitan's tent.
"About thirteen of us." Her face paled.
"You will be slaughtered."
"I think not." Came Kirito's reply. He pointed to Makitan's tent. "This the one." Elena nodded, but grabbed his arm when he walked towards the tent.
"Be careful. Makitan may look stupid, but he is cunning, and cruel."
"Don't worry. I'll be fine." Kirito said, striding into the tent.
"Brave fool." Elena thought. She quickly slipped off to try and free the others.
Makitan's POV:
Makitan woke up with a sword pointed at his throat.
"Get up." Said the boy in front of him.
Makitan slowly slipped out of bed and stood up.
"What do you want with me?" He asked.
"I want to know what you've done with my wife." The boy said. He held the sword closer, nicking Makitan's throat with it and drawing blood. "I want to know where you've taken her."
"Your wife? Kid, you will have to be more specific than that." Makitan mocked.
"Where is ASUNA!?!?!?!?" The boy screamed. His sword cleaved the curtain in two as he swung it it anger at Makitan's ducking figure.
"Oh. That's your wife? Well, she won't be much longer. My lord the swordsman fancied her and took her back to his fortress in the city ruins. You won't see her again I'm afraid."
The boys face got darker with rage. He reached over and grabbed Makitan's sword, the one that Makitan had been inching towards the whole time and threw it at him.
"You'll need this." The boy said as he strode out of the tent.
Makitan grabbed up his sword and charged at the retreating figure with a fearsome yell, raising his sword to cut the boy in half, only for his sword to be met by the other one mid swing. The sword fight began in earnest then. Both Makitan and the strange boy circled back and forth, their swords striking off each other as they dueled. They were evenly matched it seemed. It seemed.
But suddenly it was as if the boy had been toying with him all along. Suddenly the black blade was everywhere at once and Makitan found himself retreating before the deadly onslaught of sword swings. Then the boys swung his sword high over head and brought it down. Makitan could've sworn it had glowed blue before it struck his sword, sheering it in two and sending the point flying. Now left with half a sword, Makitan knew he would have to play dirty to win. He acted as if winded and fell to his knees, only to grab a handful of sand and hurl it at his fearsome opponent. The boy stumbled back and Makitan struck out with his broken blade, scoring his opponents sword arm and drawing blood. "Good." Makitan thought. "Now he's fighting with his off hand. I can still win this."
Makitan however, started to second guess himself after his opponent easily swapped hands and acted as if everything was fine. Makitan swung at the boy, only to watch in slow motion as the boy tripped him with his sword and he fell on the broken edge of his own blade and impaled himself.
Kirito's POV:
The raiders had been trying desperately to fight off the wariors that seemed to have snuck into their camp. But all stopped upon seeing their leader slain. Then they all panicked and fled, taking the first horse they found and riding hard off towards where Kirito had watched the caravan from earlier that day go. He would worry about them later though, as he now had about one hundred captives to find shelter for at the moment.
He and the others spent the rest of the night getting everyone out of their chains and fed. Then he gathered them all together and they set out in the direction of Last Good Hope. He and his fellow players had found everyone who had been taken except Asuna, but Kirito knew that she would have to be rescued later. Nevertheless, as he led the rescued captives off across the desert, his mind drifted to the beautiful girl that was his wife, and he wondered where she was at the moment.
Asuna's POV:
It had been two days since Asuna had left the camp with the swordsman. She had been treated well. Much better than she had expected. Now they neared the shadow that Asuna had seen in the distance.
"Come my dear sweet Asuna, and behold my kingdom." Said the swordsman.
Asuna gazed out at the sight that met her eyes as the early morning sun drifted above the horizon.
"There it is, the City of Ancients!"
And... Cliffhanger. Don't worry. Should have another chapter out soon. Until next time though, BYE!!!!! Don't forget to comment.

Unending - a Sword Art Online Fanfic (being rewritten)
FanficI have recently decided that this story is going to rewritten. The writing is frankly poor and the story is badly paced, so I am going to redo it and make it much better, though this will take a long time. I will keep you posted!! thanks all. What i...