Lets go, final chapter of part 1. Enjoy!
Asuna's POV:
Asuna watched as Azemar and Kirito charged each other. Both swinging their swords in wide, powerful arcs. They both locked swords and then pushed off each other. They began circling each other, sizing up their opponent.
"You know you can't have her." Azemar said, swinging his sword horizontally at Kirito. "The things she has done that have betrayed you. Why would you want her back after that?"
Kirito blocked Azemar's blade and swung his back in response. "What do you mean "why would I want her back?" I love her, and that means that even when she makes mistakes, then I will be there for her."
They clashed swords again, repeatedly swinging and stabbing and blocking for several minutes in silence. The only noise to be heard was the sound of their swords clanging off each other. Then they both jumped back panting heavily. Kirito was bleeding from several cuts showing near dodges from Azemar's blade. Azemar, however, was in similar condition. His armor had several minor dents in it, along with long scratches from Kirito's sword tip slashing across the metal plate.
"You know." Azemar said. "I wonder how much you meant what you said."
Kirito, circling around Azemar, tilted his head. "What do you mean?"
"What do you think your Asuna has done that you have forgive her for?"
"I think that she has been deceived by some concoction you gave her that forced her into almost marrying you."
"Almost?" Azemar said, then his eyes widened. "Ha! You think me saying I married her is referring to the ceremony you and your friends interrupted. Fool! I took the precaution of marrying her last night to make sure that she would be mine no matter what you pulled on my wedding day. It's too late. Asuna already said "I do" to me."
Asuna felt her heart crack at Kirito's disbelieving expression that was directed at her. All she could do was nod her head in shame.
"Oh! But there is more." Azemar laughed evilly. "You see, Asuna has more that betrayed you by marrying me."
"Don't you use her name like you know her." Kirito said, wildly swinging his sword.
"Ah, but you see, I do know her, on a very intimate level." Kirito's face became a mask of anger. "Ha!" Azemar laughed. "You already know what I am going to say don't you, but I'll tell you anyway. Asuna consummated her marriage with me last night, and you should've heard her moan. I didn't know a girl could make such sexy noises when she is getting laid. And when she begged me to fill her..."
Kirito roared in anger and swung his sword at Azemar, who was laughing hysterically.
Asuna had fallen to her knees. This couldn't be happening. She looked up in time to see Kirito's sword Elucidator go flying out of his hands and Kirito get thrown backwards to the ground.
"Kirito!" Asuna screamed.
Azemar closed in on him. Holding his sword high above his head. "You know, once I'm finished with you, I'm going to want to celebrate. And what better way to have a good time than to..." Azemar never finished his statement because Kirito slammed him in the jaw with the hilt of his other sword.
Kirito had pulled out his other sword, Dark Repulsor, and proceeded to drive Azemar back, his sword shearing off chunks of Azemar's armor. Azemar soon found himself lying flat on the ground, with Kirito's sword pointed at his neck.
"If you touch her, I will kill you." Kirito said, his killing intent leaking out and tainting the air.
Azemar laughed. "And what can you do. She did it with me willingly the first time, didn't you Asuna?" He said, giving Asuna a look.

Unending - a Sword Art Online Fanfic (being rewritten)
FanfictionI have recently decided that this story is going to rewritten. The writing is frankly poor and the story is badly paced, so I am going to redo it and make it much better, though this will take a long time. I will keep you posted!! thanks all. What i...