Ike x Marth x Reader

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It was 1:00 am, (Y/n) was awake, she couldn't sleep because her arm was badly injured, the pain was so much that she couldn't move her arm normally.

Marth: (laughs) Stop, it Ike.

Ike: (laughs) I won.

Marth: Hey Ike, do you think that (Y/N) would like to come tomorrow at flower garden?

Ike: Nah... She chooses weird flowers.

Marth: Skipping of it, she has bad tastes on flowers and mostly things.

Ike: Let's invite Caeda instead!

Marth: Good idea.

Ike: (suddenly hears something) Marth, you heard something?

Marth: No, I didn't.

Ike: Listen carefully.

Marth: It's coming from outside.

Ike: It's (Y/N) and your sister.

Marth: What are they doing?

Ike: They seem to be talking.

Marth:(Y/N), doesn't talk to anyone.

Ike: Let's hear, what are saying.

Marth: Ike, that's wrong!

Ike: They might be talking about how handsome prince Marth is.

Marth: (blushes) W-What?

Ike: Come on, don't be shy.

(Y/N): That's my point of view.

Elice: Interesting...

(Y/N): You see this world, is more than broken, flowers are ugly, people have preconception.

Elice: You can say that. What do you wish?

(Y/N): To stop existing for one day...No...To be free from my curse.

Elice: Forget that for a moment.

(Y/N): How can I lieutenant?

Elice: Enjoy your time. Do researches about emotions, I think that here you will learn how to interact with people more easily.

(Y/N): I guess you have a point.

Elice: Depression is easily visible after some days.

(Y/N): Yet, no one will notice.

Elice: You think so?

(Y/N): Yes.

Ike: She is depressed...

Marth: It seems so...

(Y/N): White roses, disgusting flowers, yet I do not know why people like them so much.

Elice: That flower represents humanity.

(Y/N): And my favorite flower represents sadness.

Elice: Red spider web lilies are beautiful flowers.

(Y/N): Yet, everyone hates them.

Marth: Well, except the meaning, the flower is quite beautiful.

Ike: That's true.

Elice: What's this smell?

(Y/N): Someone is here.

Elice: I hope they didn't hear our conversation, or else...

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