Eldigan x Reader

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You are the second daughter of a noble from Agustria. You are also Eldigan's lover. The two of you would go everywhere together. However one day, he went on a mission and disappeared. You searched for him, during months but nothing. You now, live alone on the noble house of Nordion.

Your Pov...

I woke and once again I dreamt of him, I missed him so much... It's been months since he's gone, now...

-Milady, can I come in? Asked Grahnye.

-Yes, yes you can.

-How are you feeling, today? She asked me sitting next to me in my bed.

-Each day it passes, I miss him so much..

-Don't worry, I know one day he will come back. She said trying to comfort me.

-What, if he doesn't?

-Don't lose hope...Everyone misses him, just like you. Besides you should cheer up, today is the last day of the year and I prepared a (F/c) kimono just for you. She said.

-Thank you, Grahnye... I hugged her tightly as she returned the hug.

-Everything, will be just fine...She whispered.

Some time later...

It was already lunch time, Grahnye made Spaghetti today. I wasn't very hungry so instead of going to the dinning room to eat, I put my jacket and went to the garden. I sat on the snowy floor and looked to the roses, they were all covered with snow. I picked a rose and clean it up suddenly remembering the beautiful memories that we made.

Flashback on...

-Happy valentines day! You know what that means.

-I do know. Said Eldigan giving you a bucket of roses.

-Aww, their so beautiful.

-I hope you like them, I bought them, thinking on my favourite flower. He said.

-Your favourite flower?

-Yes, you. He said that grabbing your waist and touching your lips with his.

You gladly kissed him back.

-Oh, Eldigan how much I miss you...

-Hey, Eldigan what's your favourite season?

-It's spring. He said.


-Because, I've met you in a spring day and all of those beautiful flowers remind me of you. Said Eldigan.

-Really? My favourite season is also spring because we met in a spring day...

-My love, I hope we get to spend the next spring together. He said kissing your hand.

-And not just next one, but the others too.

-It seems like yesterday...

-(Y/N), lunch is almost over! You better eat or else you won't have energy to participate in the new year activities! Screamed Grahnye.

-Well, I guess she's right.

I standed up and went to the kitchen, Lachesis and Grahnye kept some food for me, so I could have lunch.

-Enjoy your meal. Said Lachesis.

-Thank you, for keeping some food for me.

-Take that frown, of your face! My brother doesn't want you to be sad. He wants you to be happy! He will return one day. We must never lose hope. Said Lachesis standing up grabbing your hands.

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