Merric x Reader

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You we're once a noble, the daughter of one of the richest men in Altea, at the age of five you we're abducted by group bandits, who made you they personal slave.

-You pipsqueak, come here! Said a Bandit.

-Y-Yes, sir.

-What's this?! Is this mud in my floor? Said the bandit.

-S-Sir, I am sure that I cleaned here, someone must have-

-Shut up, your peace of shit! He said pulling your hair.

-S-sir, your-

-I didn't give you permission to talk, did I? Said the bandit

-N-no sir.

-I didn't hear it! Said Bandit


-Next time, I see mud in my flor and you speaking without my permission, you'll end up like the others! He said throwing you to the muddy floor and living the room.

-Are you alright? Said another slave helping you getting up.

-I am fine, thank you.

-By the way, I am Vi- I mean slave number 39. Said the girl.

-I am slave number 26, nice to meet you.

-So, how did you end up here? Asked nº39

-I was abducted at the age of five, you?

-The bandits destroyed my village and took all the young girls, to be their personal slaves. Said nº39.

-If you are here, then we're are the others, from your village?

-The bandits sell the ones who had age to marry, and the rest we're took as sex slaves. I was the only one who they send to cleaning. Said nº39.

-Oh my, that only something the ones who we're sold are lost forever, now.

-That means, my sister, she is...Said nº39 starting to cry.

-Wow?! Please stop crying if they hear you, we will be punished!

-Huh? Said nº39 cleaning her tears.

-Oh no! Footsteps! Quickly grab the sponge and start cleaning! You said that grabbing the sponge.

-What was this noise?! Said the bandit slamming the door.

-It was nothing, sir!

-It seams someone was crying! If I catch someone in tears, they shall be punished! Said the bandit.

You and slave nº39 simply stayed in silence cleaning, the mud while the bandit got out of the room.

-Are you okay?

-I'm fine thank you. Said nº39. -Thank you for that, it was brave of you defending me.

-No problem. You must be careful, here if they catch you trying to escape, crying, or not doing what they told you will be punished, and I will tell you the punishment is the worst thing ever. I have a trauma of dark places because of it.

Slave number 29 simply gulped, by her looks it could only mean that she was afraid of the punishment even not having experienced, yet.

Meanwhile in Altea...

-Oh, Victor you're so gentle. Said Elice.

-But, I am telling the true the flower is so beautiful like you milady. Said Victor.

-What on earths does she sees on him? Said Merric sighing.

-Ah, there you are Merric! Said Linde.

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