Bridal blessings scenarios...

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Bridal Blessing scenarios

Marth: Everyone is getting ready for today's festival, mostly girls are dressed as brides and guys as grooms like they were about to get married while for you didn't need to dress as bride your normal attire was more than sufficient as you head to the garden and saw everything decorated. Beautiful white flowers, a huge feast for after the festival and of course the prize the blessed bouquet.

"You know, (Y/n) I wait for the day that's our turn to get married." Said your darling blue prince as he wrapped his arms around you.

"We still have a long time till that, and it seems this year we have very fine groom." You chuckled

"Do I really look that weird?" He smiled and asked.

"Oh, no, no! It looks good on you!" You said.

"Thanks..." He blushed and pull you even closer.

His sweet lips were getting closer to yours until you noticed someone glaring at you. You quickly made a small gesture so Marth would stop moving and looked somewhere else. The person who was gazing at you was his childhood friend Princess Caeda of Talys. She was wearing a beautiful wedding dress and she looked like an angel, but sadly she was devil to you because of her feelings for Marth.

"She seriously needs to stop looking at me like that." You said frowning.

"Just ignore her, okay? I will talk to her after the festival. Let's just enjoy each other's company." He said as he planted a small kiss in your cheek.

Alm: Today is the bridal blessings festival, every man and woman present in this festival want the blessed bouquet so, they can have a blessed and happy marriage forever. However, it was not the festival who mattered to you it was another competition, one that your heroes made which was the one that Alm proposed. The challenge was the most well-dressed bride would win a surprise from Alm. Faye, Celica and Clair were getting ready with their most pretty dresses to impress him.

"Oh my, Summoner could you please help me here?" Celica asked grabbing her tiara and giving it to you so you could help put without ruining her hair.

"This veil is perfect, I'm sure Sir Alm will love my attire and I'm sure my beautiful charms will enchant him." Said Clair.

"Oh, Alm I'm so happy you are doing this, I hope you finally notice me after so many years." Faye said in her obsessive ways.

You chuckled seeing the three girls putting all their efforts on looking beautiful for him, but deep inside you understand them because you felt the same for him, but you would never have chance with him because of the huge competition.

The festival was finally over and the bouquet was tossed to the hands of the winner and that was no other person then you.

"Alright! Time to announce the winner of this competition." Alm said as Tobin, Kliff and Gray stand behind him. The three girls were blushing and standing all in front of him making a small queue.

You looked in front and saw Alm taking a step forward which means he was in front of Celica.

"Is she the winner?" You asked yourself, but no it wasn't her he turned to you and started walking in your direction.

"The winner of this bride competition is (Y/N)! He said as his lips sweetly touched yours. "(Y/n) will you be my bride?" He blushed as you nodded and kissed him again.

Ephraim: You were brushing your hair for the festival and saw your light sea green haired prince dressed as a groom for the festival.

"How is my bride doing?" He asked.

"Your bride? Since when?" You smirked.

"Oh, come on (Y/n), you know I'm trying! This attire is horrible I doubt I can fight like this!" He protested.

"You look nice and you can move very well like that, besides shouldn't you go and see your sister, I'm sure with a dress like that many guys wouldn't stop hitting on her." You teased him.

"What?! Eirika, I'm coming don't worry!" He rushed to see his sister which made you laugh.

You and the askarians head to the festival while that Ephraim didn't let any boy come near Eirika.

"Ephraim, put me down!" Eirika said covering her face from embarrassment.

"Not happening, I don't want any guys over here trying to steal my sister from me!" He retorted.

"Ephraim put her down please we need her for the festival." You said giggling.

"Thank you, summoner." She said blushing.

The festival continued and Ephraim was more overprotective over his sister and you because too many "grooms" this year. The festival finished and your team won the blessed bouquet which made Anna and Sharena argue because Anna wanted to sell the bouquet and Sharena wanted to give it you because you and Ephraim were together.

"(y/N) please come with me." Eirika pulled you to your room where she quickly dressed you as a bride and put a different dress which was the same Sharena was using. She guided you back to the festival, the blessed bouquet was on your hand and Ephraim was in front of you.

"You may now kiss the bride!" Sharen said.

"What?!" You and Ephraim screamed and looked around, it really looked like you were getting married.

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