Eliwood x Reader

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 -(Y/n), my love it's time to wake up. Said Eliwood kissing your cheek.

-Aaah. Good morning honey. You said sitting down in your bed.

-It's already today! Eliwood said excited.

-It's Christmas! I hope it snows, I really want to see it! You said getting out of your bed.

-Then, it's better if you get ready. He said smiling.

-This is going to be the best Christmas ever!

-I am sure of that. I will be waiting for you in the kitchen, okay? Said Eliwood leaving the room.

-Alright! I will be there soon, don't eat without me!

-I don't promise anything. He said.

-Ah, men. Like they say the best way to conquer a man is by his stomach. You said as you closed your room.

-Better, prepare myself! You said going to the bathroom.

Eliwood's Pov...

-Merry Christmas, Lyndis. Said Eliwood

-Thank you, Eliwood. Merry Christmas for you too. Said Lyn.

-Thanks Lyn. Said Eliwood.

-Come on, Let's eat breakfast with everyone! Said Lyn.

-I can't, I'm waiting for (Y/n).Said Eliwood.

-It's okay! Let's wait for her. Said Lyn.

He nodded in agreement.

-Let's sit in our table while we wait for her. Said Lyn.

-Sure. He said following Lyn.

You're Pov...

-This Christmas dress is so cute! I hope he likes it! You said dressing your Christmas dress.

After you finished getting dressed, you rushed to the kitchen.

-Sorry, for being late everyone! You said entering in the kitchen.

-Wow! (Y/n), you look so cute with that outfit! Said Lyn.

-You look adorable dressed like that. Said Hector.

-Thank you, both of you.

You looked to Eliwood, noticing a big blush in his cheeks.

-So, you're not going to say anything about my outfit?

-God damn (Y/n)...The outfit suits so well, that I don't even know what to say. He said looking away.

You giggled at his response.

-Come on, let's eat, I'm starving! You said dragging him to your table.

You decide that you wanted to sit next to Lyn, Eliwood sat in front of you with Hector.

-(Y/n), Can I ask you something? Said Lyn

-Sure! What is it Lyn?

-Who made that cute outfit for you? Asked Lyn

-It was Louise.

-Wow, she really makes cute dresses! I will ask her if she can do a cute dress like that for me!Said Lyn smiling even brightly.

You smiled at her and finished your breakfast.

-Lyn, there you are! Said Louise.

-Are, do you need something Louise? Asked Lyn

-I have a present for you! Said Louise.

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