Shura x Reader

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For: Joske27


 You were the guardian of the sacred tree. You're mission was to make sure no one touched the Fountain of light.

-Lady (Y/n)! Said one of your subordinates.


-How's the condition of the fountain? Asked one of your subordinates.

-It's in good condition. No intruder came here.

-That's good. Said one of your subordinates.

-Make sure to rest too. Said Garnet one of your helpers.

-I will Garnet, but not now. I sense someone near bye.

-Guards in your position! Screamed Garnet.

-Right! Screamed your subordinates.

-I will guard the main gate. Said Garnet preparing to fly in her Pegasus.


Some hours later...

-Milady! Said Garnet.


-The intruders, have fallen back. Said Garnet

-Good work. You deserve to rest, now.

-Thank you, but I am not leaving you. Said Garnet.

The two of you simply smiled and started talking about stuff.


-Milady, what was this? Asked Garnet.

-I don't know. Garnet go to your position and prepare for battle.

Garnet nodded and went to the main gate.

You waited sometime, until you've heard another scream. You ran to the main gate and saw Garnet and her Pegasus death.


A group of bandits appeared.

-So, you we're the ones! You said preparing to attack.

-Pfft, are you going to attack us all alone, that's literally suicide. Said Their leader.

-I don't care, I'm going to kill you! Heavenly Drive!

You said that attacking them, leaving only the leader alive.

-Oh my. Said the Leader scared.

-Now, prepare to die!
-Please forgive me, I will give you everything you want, just spare me. Said the bandit.

-I just want to you to die! You said that summoning your Sacred (Sword/Lance/Axe/ Some other pointy weapon) in order to end his life. -Any last words?

-Stop, right there!

-What? Suddenly an arrow hit you in your shoulder causing you to drop your weapon.

-You are a guardian, my pops always told me that the sacred three's guardian would never let darkness in her/his heart. Said an adventurer.

-Darkness in my heart...?

-Yes. Revenge, won't brig your friend back. In fact it will make the things even worst. Said the adventurer.


-Now, die. Said the bandits Leader, trying to attack you from behind.

-Give me a break. Said the adventurer attacking him and successfully killing him.

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