Fredrick x Reader

711 13 14

For A-Na-Nas

(Y/n) was the newest tactician for the Ylissian army. Every night she would patrol the camp to check on everyone. Today, she was wandering about at a late area, but she decided to go to the training area after finishing her patrolling.

"Huff, huff."

"There's someone here," you said, looking around to find who it was. It was Fredrick, he was all sweaty and panting a lot, which seems he was training for hours. "Frederick, what are you doing up this late?"

"Training to protect Milord, of course," he responded.

"I see. You truly are close to Chrom, aren't you?" you asked.

"I'm only doing my duties as a knight."

You thought for a moment. "Frederick, may I ask you something?"


"Have you ever considered protecting someone else, other than Chrom?" you asked, blushing slightly after realizing what you said.

"Of course," he responded. "I must keep my eye on Lissa. Since she doesn't know how to fight, I protect her in the battlefield."

"Frederick, I didn't really mean that when I asked my question."

"Then what did you mean, (Y/N)?"

"Someone special, someone that perhaps you would give everything to protect," you suggested.

"Uh, excuse me for a moment," Frederick said, standing up. "You are suggesting that I protect a loved one? It's silly of you to assume that of me."

"I didn't mean to, I just thought, well, since a lot of the Shepherds are getting married and all, you deserve something similar," you smiled.

"Hm. To tell the truth, I did have one woman in mind," he muttered. "Please don't tell milord! I would never hear the end of it..."

"Well, if you love this girl, you should tell her. You never know if she shares your feelings until you ask her," you said. "Oh, and your secret's safe with me!"

"I don't know (Y/N)... I think it's better if you get some rest. Tomorrow is still a new day full of battles to come."

You looked down with a frown on your face.

"It seems I have no chance with him, huh? I better get some rest, but you as well, promise?"

Frederick kept his stern look plastered on his face. "If you insist. I should know as well as to take orders from our tactician, afterall."

You returned to your chambers, laying on your bed. You looked up at the ceiling as the tears pricked at your eyes. You wiped them away, sighing softly. "There is no use," you told yourself. You laid there in silence for a few moments before falling asleep with the quiet of the night.

Next Morning...

"Good morning, (Y/N)!" Lissa yelled from outside your door, coming in.

"Ugh! Who is it?" you said, burying your head into your pillow.

"Come on, move that ass of yours out of bed! It's a new day, and we have a lot to do!" Lissa giggled.

"Aish! Fine.," you groaned, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. You sluggishly put on your cloak.

"Good! I will be waiting you in the Mess hall then. I made cookies and I need someone to taste them, as long as you don't mind!" she said cheerfully, leaving your room.

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