Roy x Reader Part 2

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You're Pov...

-L-Let go of me!

- Sorry, we can't do that. Said the man who tied you up.

-Why are you doing this?

-Orders from our superior. Said the man.

-Where am I? Who is your superior?

-You make to much questions. Said another man.

-Boys how is our victim? Said a female yet familiar voice

-She is fine, yet she does many questions. Said the man who tied you.

-Don't worry, soon enough she will face death. Said the female

-Y-You want to k-kill me?!

-Silence! The female used a spell to make you sleep.

-For a shy person, she truly makes lot of questions. Said the other man.

Roy's Pov...

-So, this is what happened. Said Roy.

-Why would someone hurt (Y/n)? I mean she is the type of person that even an insect can't hurt. Said Fir.

-We need to be very careful, the Shrine of despair isn't the safeties place in the world. Said Cecilia.

-Why are you so worried about her? I mean (Y/n) didn't even talked to anyone. Said Raigh

-Brother! Said Lugh hitting Raigh.

-Aish! I was just kidding! Said Raigh.

-This is no time to joke around, I am worried about (Y/n), what if their hurting her now? Said Roy.

-We will save her! Said Sophia patting Roy.

-There is no need to worry, she is aright I can feel it. Said Fae.

-Thanks Fae. Said Roy.

-By the way, has anyone saw Lilina lately? Asked Fir.

-No. I haven't saw her. Said Roy.

-Neither. Said the twin.

-So, nobody saw her. Said Sophia with a suspicious look.

-Let's get ready! We must save our friend, now! Said Roy.

In the shrine of despair...

-Roy must be in his way to rescue his beloved. Said the female.

- Young mistress isn't this something wrong? I mean she is your friend. Said a man

-She is not my friend! If she was my friend, she would never had stolen Roy from me! Said the female.

-Plus, your father-

-One word about this and your death! Said the female.

-Yes, young mistress.

Roy's Pov...

-Alright, let's go in! Said Roy heading to the Shrine's entrance.

-Roy, stop! Said Sophia pushing him back.

-You sensed it to Sophia. Said Cecilia.

-There is a magic force blocking the entrance. Said Sophia grabbing a rock and throwing it to the entrance.

The rock disintegrated itself and Roy gasped.

-To break that magic wall, we will need a very powerful breaking spell. Said Cecilia.

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