Corrin x Reader

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For KiranFellLowell


Dream on...

-(Y/n), go away! Screamed a mysterious man.

-Anankos, h-he's coming, escape my child! Said a mysterious woman

-Huh? Anankos?

-Live on my child! Said the woman pushing you.

Dream of...

-Wait don't go! Please don't leave me, could you please tell me who are you?

-Milady wake up! Milady are you alright?! Said Corrin.

-I'm fine, that was just a nightmare, I think..

-Milady, you're always having the same nightmare, are you sure isn't something that happened in your life?

-I don't know... I can't remember...My past, my family, my home...

You we're a girl who's identity was unknown, you only remembered you're name and nothing else, you we're adopted by a nohrian general, who raised you to be a solider in the army, at the moment you weren't anybody's retainer.

-Say, (Y/n) tomorrow would you like to train with me? He asked

-Yeah, why not? You said laying down in you're bed again.

-Well, see you tomorrow. He said leaving you're room.

Next day...

-Milady, are you ready? Asked Corrin opening you're room's door.

-Yes, I am. And please stop calling me milady, milord.

-Nope! You're my milady, and you'll always be. He said winking.

You simply looked away blushing.

-Milady I learned new sword techniques with Xander and Ryoma. Be prepared, this my be training but I am not holding back.

-No holding back! You said grabbing you're (F/W)

You attacked Corrin first and he easily dogged, you tried again and failed he would block all of you're attacks.

-Told you, that I improved a lot. He said attacking you and throwing (F/N) from you're hands.

-Congrats winner.

-One more win to me, so it's 7 wins, 5 loses and 8 draws for me. Said Corrin.

-Which means 7 loses, 5 wins and 8 draws for me.

-Don't worry (Y/N), you will win next time. He said helping you getting up.

-Yeah, whatever...

-(Y/n) could you please tell me what did you saw in that dream? Asked Corrin.

You simply looked away and sighed.

- I-It's okay, if you don't want to talk about it! He said afflicted.

-Just, promise me you won't tell anyone about this.

-I promise. He said.

-Here it goes. There was a man and a woman they said that Anankos was coming, and that they're village was being destroyed. The woman pushed to a canyon, who seemed to be a portal to another place after this, I can't remember anything else.

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