Leif x Reader

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 Every day in your life was always the same, you were a poor orphan girl who lived in the streets, your parents abandon you in the slumps of Leonster long time ago when you we're just a child. They left you without nothing the only thing you had was an old koto (traditional Japanese instrument, it's similar to the Chinese guzheng and the Korean gayageum) that you found in the trash can while searching for wastes of food. Since the day you found the koto you discovered your talent for music and in fact it helped you to earn some money.

-Hey, you! Said a girl

You simply continued playing ignoring the girl knowing what she wanted.

-I am talking to you! Said the girl kicking your koto.

-W-Why did you do that?

-Because your music is horrible! All the neighbours are complaining about it. Said the girl.

You frowned and grabbed your koto.

-I hope you find a better place to live and someone who helps you. Said the girl walking away without looking to you.

-Nobody likes me, perhaps that's why my parents abandon me.

You walked to the town entrance, and saw a weird poster saying that there was a going to have a music festival in the town.

-(Y/N), are you going to participate in the festival? Said an old man.

-Oh, Mister Ronald.

-Hehe...You sure have talent for music, you and that koto of yours truly make amazing melodies. Said Mr. Ronald.

-But, does girls-

-Let them say whatever they want. You have talent, and no one can deny that. Said Mr. Ronald.

-Thank you, Mr. Ronald.

-Well, I must go. Good luck! Said Mr. Ronald going home.

-Umm, he's right! You said that writing you're name in the participants list.

???'s Pov...

-Lord Leif, are you sure you want to go to the Musical festival this year? Asked Finn.

-Yes! Even thought last year was awful, I think this year everything will be just fine. Said Leif.

-Well, last year everything was ruined thanks to that weird instrument. Said Finn.

-Don't say that! The koto isn't a weird instrument! I loved when my mother played it! Said Leif

-Oh...Forgive me lord Leif. Said Finn.

-It's okay. Let's just prepare ourselves. Said Leif.

The royal went to his room and look to himself in the mirror.

-You always loved music didn't you Mother?

You're Pov...

-There! Now, I need to find a spot to practice! This town is soooo big, that will be so hard to find a nice spot. Perhaps in the forest!

You went to forest, but you made sure not go very far from the town's entrance. You sat down and put your koto in you're lap. You started playing the only song you knew for the festival.

Leif's Pov...

-How long does it take to reach the town? Asked Nana

-We're almost there! I can see the entrance lady Nana. Said Finn.

-I can't wait to see if there will be a – Leif was cut in his words by beautiful melody. -You guys hear this?

-It sounded like a Koto. Said Nanna.

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