Robin x Reader

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(Y/n) was a girl that hated staying with other people, for her everyday was a struggle because she didn't like when people tell her what to do and acted mostly part alone. The person she most hated was Robin always giving her orders.

- Are you alright? Asked Robin.

-I was.

-What happen? Asked Robin again.

-You're here!

-Gods, you truly are a rude one! Said Robin.

-Look, I hate people. Please leave me alone!

-Fine...Oh one more thing before going. Said Robin.


-Be ready the next battle is almost there. Said Robin.

-Okay...Damn you're an annoying one.

-I'm going. Bye (Y/N) Said Robin.

Next day...

-Everyone be ready for tomorrow! Said Chrom

-Yes sir! Said Everyone in the army except you.

-Sumia, you and Libra will go to the right and attack the enemy over there. Said Robin.

-Okay! Said Libra and Sumia

-And you (Y/N) you will- Said Robin

-Don't even dare to give me orders! I will do as I please the end!

-Come on (Y/N) you know were friends! Can't you just hep us please? You are our ally and I don't want you to die... He said

-Still, it doesn't matter if you guys die or live it's all the same to me! And who the heck told you we were friends?! I hate all of you!

-(Y/N), you can't mean that... Said Robin very sad

-I never liked you guys! I only joined this army because I was forced. Do you think I like to hurt other people? Do you think I'm a girl who loves being around other people, do you think I'm happy?

-I didn't know, you were sad...He said

-Nobody knows! And guess what they don't need to! Because I don't need friends, they only betray you, and when you need them they are not there to help you!

-We're not like that (Y/N) ...Said Robin

-I don't care, just leave me alone and come near me anymore!

You left Robin speechless and went to the battlefield with your (F/W). You slay all the enemies near you and waited Chrom to seize the last building, so you guys could escape.

-Everyone let's retreat! Said Chrom

You left the battle field and went to the camp. Wen you reached the camp you went to he mess hall and saw that everyone was staring at you with creepy gazes. You just ignored and when you went to get food, you noticed that there was no food left for you and that you're table was completely dirty. You reached you're table and noticed Robin's fans giggling.

-Alright who done this?!

-We didn't do anything. They said

-Oh really? I'm going to kill you girls!

Before you could act Chrom grabbed you.

-Calm down, (Y/N). No violence allowed. Said Chrom.

-Tell them to clean my table first!

-Go to you're room tomorrow you'll see you're table clean. He said pushing you to the exit.

You went to you're room hungry and mad at same time. You hated everyone in the army but mostly Robin because he gave you a lot of orders.

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