Seliph x Reader

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Dear diary.

Like always today is another hell's day. It's monday again, and we now what that means going to school and lying again to Julia. I really love her she is my best friend but I can tell her about this I don't want her to be worried about me, I just want to stop existing...

You're Pov..

My daily routine is always the same, waking up, going to school, being bullied by Ishtar and her gang, and my dear friend Depression, not to mention being abused my father.

I usually go to school at 6:30 am because my classes start at 7:00 o'clock and with the teachers I have, getting late is the worst thing ever. I study in Anteros Academy, a prestigious school. This academy is let's say, you can learn how to use any kind of weapon, spells and many other stuff. My favourite class is arts, it's the only class that I can write my stories and draw whatever I want. Arts is the only class where Ishtar doesn't bug me because she is too busy making out with Julius who also is an ass hole (Sorry Julia for calling your brother an ass hole but he truly is one!).

Julia is my best of best friends (well, my only true friend), Julia's half-brother Seliph, he is sooo handsome, I have a crush on him since we we're children. Seliph always been so nice to me, but he been very distant to me since I started to study in the same school as him. I can't blame him, he's just too popular to hang out with someone like me...

-Hey, buzzy bee! Said Julia as she approached you in the art's class.

-Hey Julia. You said with a sad smile in your face.

-How's it going? Said Julia.

-I am doing just fine...

-Your lying. I can see it by your face.

You remained in silence staring at your drawing.

-Was it Ishtar again? Asked Julia.

-No...Not yet...

-Then why are you so sad? Asked Julia.

- ... You didn't respond, you could tell Julia that your mother abandon you and that your father abused you.

-Helloooo? Earth to (Y/n)! Said Julia.

-Sorry...I can't tell you, just... yet.

-Fine, but at list let me see, what are you drawing. Said Julia grabbing your paper.


The entire class looked at you when you screamed. You blushed in embarrassment, Julia gave a little giggle as she looked to your drawing, you just had drawn Seliph's face.

-So, you still have a crush on my brother, I see... Said Julia giving a look that she's planing something probably not good.

-J-Just give it, to me!

-You're no fun. Said Julia returning your drawing and sitting next to you.

You kept staring at your drawing hoping, one day Seliph would notice you.

After class...

-Yay, finally time to go home! Said Julia.


-Since tomorrow is Saturday, why don't you sleep in my house today? Asked Julia.

-Thanks Julia, but my father...

-Don't worry, I'm sure he will say yes. Said Julia.

-Yeah, sure...

Dear Diary.

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