Jealous Marth x Reader part 2

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(B/F/N) bent over to whisper his plan into your ear.

"What?!" you screamed.

"Yup! That's my amazing plan."

"You want me to make him even more jealous?"

"Exactly. It's the only way Marth will talk to you by now. When he sees the other boys flirting with you he'll go crazy, and he will see that he needs to make you his again. Simple as that."

"You're crazy, I am not confident this is going to work," you said, crossing your arms.

"(Y/N), my plans never fail, you know that," (B/F/N) replied.


"Let's talk to the other boys, I know that they will help," (B/F/N) said grabbing my hand and heading to see the others.

Marth's POV

After (Y/N) approached me, I ignored her because I don't know how to apologize to her. I feel so guilty and embarrassed for what I've done to her, and she probably only returned to clear things out and go with that friend of hers. Whenever she tried to talk to me, I would avoid her because, I won't lie, it hurts me to see her with someone else, and it kills me to think she may be happier with him than with me.

"She can't leave. She is my everything," I muttered. I looked up through the window, shocked to see (Y/N) holding hands with someone that wasn't me.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was eating with (B/F/N), Caeda an Elice, when (B/F/N) decided to tell us his amazing plan.

"So, this is my plan!" (B/F/N) said triumphantly.

"I don't think it will work," Caeda laughed.

"What? Why it wouldn't work? My plans never fail!"

"If Marth is already upset because she is with another boy, don't you think that he might get even angrier?" Caeda questioned him.

"I think Caeda is right," Elice agreed.

"Oh really?! Are you telling me you have a better plan then?" (B/F/N) said, flustered.

"Perhaps if (Y/N) and Marth could talk to each other..." Caeda suggested.

"That's the problem. He is avoiding me," you sighed.

"Now, that complicates the things even more," Caeda said.

"If that's the case, we may have to stay with (B/F/N)'s plan," Elice sighed.

"Whatever happens, don't worry, (Y/N). You and Marth will make up, (B/F/N) said.

"I hope so..."

You and your friends went to the other knights and told them your plan. Well, (B/F/N)'s amazing but not amazing plan. For this, (B/F/N) choose Luke, the "playboy" knight.

"Milady, have I told you how beautiful you were?" Luke asked, immediately participating in the act.

You blushed at his comment and looked away.

"Don't hide your face, princess! Then the amazing Luke won't be able to see your beauty!" Luke said.

You saw Marth walk by. His look shot daggers to Luke, who promptly ran away.

"What, he didn't even try to—" (B/F/N) began.

"What made you think this would work again?" Caeda questioned.

"This was just the first try! If we do it again I'm sure it won't fail."

"Yeah sure, like it would work," Caeda said, rolling her eyes.

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