Part 84

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I woke up just as we pulled into a petrol station about 10 minutes from the hotel. Rye woke up too as the engine turned off.

"I'm going to go grab a Starbucks while you fill up" I said to spike

"I'll go with you" rye said

@ Me : Late night Starbucks anyone? ☕️⭐️ #coffee #3stripes #thanksrye #chav #sleepy

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@ Me : Late night Starbucks anyone? ☕️⭐️ #coffee #3stripes #thanksrye #chav #sleepy

We came back with our drinks and got into the car. We drove the last 10 minutes of the journey before we made it to the hotel.

Spike thanked the driver and we went inside to check in.
Naturally, rye and I shared a room and spike had his own. We got straight into bed and fell asleep, it was close to 1am by now.

My alarm woke us both up at 10 and I got up and ready while Rye checked his messages and social medias.

I got up and ready to go to the venue. Rye then dragged himself out of bed and into the shower.
I was just putting my shoes on as spike phoned me.

"Bella hey" he said

"Morning" I said

"Can you meet me in 10 minutes so we can get going?" Spike asked

"10 minutes" I said

"Yeah meet me in the lobby at 11 o'clock in 10 minutes time" spike said

"Okay" I said

He ended the conversation

"Babe 10 minutes until we leave" I said to rye

"Yeah I'll be two minutes" Rye said coming out of the bathroom

He put his shoes on and zipped up his bag then we went down to the lobby where Spike was waiting.
We checked out and got into our taxi.

Once we finally got to the venue i was swarmed with fans all asking for selfies. My security guard pulled me through the crowed and deflected incoming fans before getting both me and rye safely inside.

There was another exit around the back of the building and I went out to get some air as r was hot backstage.
The hara were doing soundcheck and bronnie still had to do hers so I had enough time.

Rye and I went outside for a breather and he took a photo of me outside the venue for my instagram.

Rye and I went outside for a breather and he took a photo of me outside the venue for my instagram

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@ Me :Manchester! Who am I seeing today?🙈 #manchester #singer #tour #excited #loveit

We went back inside not too long after and I grabbed a drink.
I had a quick soundcheck and then went backstage to wait for the doors to open.
Soon enough it was time and fans came rushing in trying to get to the front row.

The hara started the show and everyone was singing along to their songs, it was like a home gig for them as they were all from the Manchester area so that was even more special for them.

Bronnie was also loved by everyone although she was from the Wirral not Manchester the northern spirit of the crowd was insane, I think the Manchester crowd had to be the loudest by far this tour!

Once bronnie came off I praised her on her performance and got ready to go on myself.
The host, Clive, introduced me and I ran out

"Ey up Manchester!" I said "how's it going?"

They all screamed, they were very very loud

"Blimey!" I said "you're going to deafen me you guys are so loud"

They cheered

"Woah" I said "guys you're amazing! But let's see if you're as good at singing along as you are at shouting"

I got ready

"So it's time for my first song if you know the words sing along, let's go" I said and the music started

I loved performing infront of that crowd, they were so loud and energetic!

My set seemed to go by so fast, the crowd were just spectacular and I enjoyed every second of  performing for them.

M&G was even better. Everyone was thriving off each other and the energy was high!
The fans were amazing! We had some funny poses, some cute poses and the pictures looked great !!

But soon like every other gig the M&G came to an end and I had to leave and say goodbye. I went backstage and grabbed my stuff before going outside to meet fans while rye took my stuff to the taxi.

I stayed out for about an hour before I had to go as my flight was later that night.
We drove from the venue straight to the hotel, grabbed our bags then headed to the airport.

It was half past 8 by the time we got to the airport and out fight was due to leave at half past 9.
We just managed to check in and get through customs before our gate opened. We walked straight through duty free and onto the plane. It was just me and rye as spike had some business he needed to attend to.

It was less than an hour before our flight landed at Gatwick. Our bags took quite a while to come through despite there only being like 10 people on the flight. Once we had out bags we grabbed a coffeee and as we exited the airport we were met by blair who then drove us back to the flat.

We got in around half 11 and lugged our bags straight upstairs. The other boys were up and came to say hello before we all decided to go to bed as it was late. Harvey stayed up for a bit playing fornite but rye and I went straight to bed. Both of us were really tired as we'd had a busy few days and to me getting into bed after a good day was the best feeling.

It was Monday tomorrow meaning we could have a chilled day, I didn't set an alarm as we didn't need to be up by a certain time which was nice for a change.
Blair had said Chris broker was coming over in the afternoon to film some stuff with Roadtrip but apart from that there were no plans...

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