Author Note

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  • Dedicated to Everyone that read this

so first i must thank anyone who read to the end! i know there were recent times when  it was boring or like all of the werewolf stories but you read all the way through! Now, you await book II because roman numerals are better. lol. So did you like the plot twist? hahahahhahahahsahhahahahahdhamfhbhadkjtrbfjwZA you must be really mad right now. i would be too. theres one at the end of every book i write because im just such a Moffatt. It's pronounced Satan. so yeah ill try to finish the second book soon and post it but until then, just wait for me to edit this because i know there was lots of mistakes. thanks again for sticking with me and reading this crap! i love every single person that read this! and everyone that followed me!

i remember when i had like 20 reads and 2 followers and they were my best friends and now i have 1.8k reads and 21 followers! One last time, thanks! <3 <3 <3 3 hearts for everyone. lol

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